rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 6-17-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hi everyone I had another busy watch today.No Beauty in the nestbox this morning before I left for downtown. As I approached the intersection of Broad and Exchange Streets I could see Beauty up on the base of Mercury. When I drove down the Broad St. bridge eastbound and did my u-turn to park facing Mercury and Times Square she had flown off. Soon after I spotted her perched in the nestbox.


I could see only her just like yesterday but Donna informed me that Archer was up there as well. 20 minutes later I had Beauty on the heel of Mercury and Archer was on the base.morning-watch-6-17-11-002-ba

15 minutes later Beauty flew off followed by Archer. I found Beauty over on the Frontier Communications tower and then she was off again.


I returned to the Broad St. Bridge to find they had returned to Mercury switching their previous spots with Archer on the heel and Beauty on the base this time. Hehe thought they would mess with old MAK again today. They tried to pull a fast one on me yesterday morning too!  I’m onto them now and they’ll have to get up pretty darn early to put one over on me! lol


Next Archer flew off circled above Mercury and flew down attempting to copulate with Beauty before flying off to the north toward Kodak Park.


Beauty flew off too and after waiting a few minutes for her return I decided to go to Kodak Park and see if Archer went there.

morning-watch-6-17-11-011-beautyThe Beautyful one spreading her wings to take off

Upon arriving at KP I immediately spotted Archer on the black stripe in front of the nook(one of his favorite spots). And Unity was in the scrape with 2 eggs visible.

morning-watch-6-17-11-016-archer morning-watch-6-17-11-013-unity

Unity flew over to the west still landing on the northside of the 2nd catwalk down. She began whining while Archer remained in his spot sleeping.

morning-watch-6-17-11-024-u morning-watch-6-17-11-026-archer-asleep

After a while Archer dropped down to the scrape and Unity came over to join him as I heard echupping coming out of there.

morning-watch-6-17-11-029-a-diving-down-to-scrape1 morning-watch-6-17-11-030-ua

Maybe a minute passed before Archer left and went to the north side of the catwalk on the still east of the tall still. Unity hung around in the scrape a few minutes and then flew to the north side catwalk of the west still.

morning-watch-6-17-11-042-unity-lwaving-scrape morning-watch-6-17-11-044-au

At no point while Unity was observed in the scrape did she try to incubate the eggs and I would say they are the original 2 eggs that she laid some weeks ago tho I can’t confirm it. Unity began whining again and soon after they both flew over with Archer landing on the ibeam in front of the scrape and Unity going into the scrape.


I watched a few more minutes until KathyO stopped by to see the eggs and then she left quickly to go to work and I left to go home. Just my opinion but it looked like there was some pigeon poop cleared out of the scrape from how it originally was. I believe Unity is too young still to know what to do with her eggs. I took pics of a Northern Mockingbird and a female Red-winged Blackbird which are included in my album this morning which I will enter the link below. As always no sign is needed and make sure to click the pics above in my report for a larger image. Enjoy, I know I did! 🙂


One Response to “Morning watch 6-17-11”

  1. margaret Says:

    Great pictures of the scrape at KP, MAK. It does look like some PP scraped out or pushed aside? in the scrape. Could those possibly be the same two eggs that were in there earlier? Wouldn’t they have disintegrated or broken down as Beauty’s eggs did? Or are they being preserved in the pigeon poop?

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