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Eyes to the Skies

Beauty Visits the Library – Evening Rochester Falcon Watch – 6/12/14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

A beautiful 70ish degree (F) evening with a nice breeze.  Darker clouds to the west, but it never rained during my 6:30 to 8:30 pm watch.

When I arrived downtown, I had just missed Larry O and Brian and the Broad St Bridge was lined with parked cars.  Lauryn Hill was playing at the Blue Cross Arena aka Rochester War Memorial.  I looked for a spot to park, but could not find one.  No watchers were in sight, so I headed down to Aqueduct St aka “the hole”.  Viewing from there is not the best.  It was good for viewing the Times Square Bldg and surrounding buildings, but once the falcon flies over and past those buildings, you lose sight of it.  That’s what happened today.

I was getting a good look at Dot.ca up on the northeast wing ledge, when Kathy O pulled in behind me.

Dot.ca on TSB 6-12-14*





Just after Kathy arrived, Beauty flew over us low, heading towards the Times Square Bldg.  She landed on the front (east) side of the building and landed on a narrow ledge below nest box level.

Beauty Fly Over 6-12-14Beauty on TSB 6-12-14Beauty on TSB 6-12-14*





Beauty soon took off and flew up to the nest box.  Dot.ca remained on the north east wing ledge.

Beauty Up to Nest Box 6-12-14DC on TSB 6-12-14*





At about 7:05 pm, first Dot.ca took off heading east fast.  Beauty took off and followed him.  We waited for him to return, but they didn’t.  They had to be out on a hunt, but still close enough to keep an eye on the nest box.  This is one of the drawbacks of watching from the hole (Aqueduct St).  Kathy and I waited for close to an hour and Beauty and Dot.ca did not return to the Times Square Bldg.  At 8:00 pm, Kathy headed home and I decided to drive around the city to see if I could find them.  On my way back down Broad St, I heard a familiar voice yell out my name.  It was Dan.  He had found a place to park and was watching from his favorite spot on the south side of the Broad St. Bridge.  I was able to find a parking spot further down.  When I was walking towards where Dan was sitting I saw that there was a falcon on the northwest corner of the library.  It was Beauty and according to Dan she had been there for close to an hour, buzzing the ducks and flying over the river.  This is where we had seen her feeding Orion before he left.

Beauty Visits the Library 6-12-14*





About 5 minutes after I joined Dan, Dot.ca flew in from the south and he was carrying prey.  He went straight for the nest box.  Beauty took off and landed on the nest box platform right behind Dot.ca.

Beauty Flying Towards the TSB Low Light 6-12-14*





Beauty grabbed the food from Dot.ca and took off with it.  Dot.ca also took off and headed towards the Mercury statue landing on the top.  Beauty circled around and flew directly into the nest box to feed the eyases.

DC to the top of Mercury 6-12-14*





When Dan and I left at 8:35 pm, Beauty was still in the nest box and Dot.ca was still on Mercury.  Here is a picture showing where Beauty was located on the library.  Oh, and that’s Dan!  lol

Dan and Where Beauty was Located on the Library 6-12-14*





Goodnight everyone!

2 Responses to “Beauty Visits the Library – Evening Rochester Falcon Watch – 6/12/14”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Nice shot of Dan, Carol! I wonder if Beauty checked out any books on birdwatching while she was at the library. 🙂

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! She was actually looking for books about peep watching. hahaha!

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