rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 7-4-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! Hello to all falcon watchers around the world. It took nearly 2 hours this morning before I had a sighting and when I did I got a bonus. Both Beauty and Archer flew, one right after the other into the nestbox. Archer left and flew over to the fire escape ladder on the Wilder building.

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Beauty stayed in the nestbox where I couldn’t see her from Aqueduct St. so IĀ  watched Archer preen himself for about a half hour. He took off after pooping

and Beauty went over to the west corner of the OCSR building 2nd ibeam down.

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Beauty stayed there for 20 minutes or so before flying off and joining Archer over at the nestbox again.


They were only in there for a couple of minutes when Archer flew back over to the Wilder building landing on top of the fire escape ladder again.

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He preened for 15 minutes then flew off to the north without returning. I had to end my watch at this point. The Main St. bridge was closed off for the fireworks display to be set up for tonight. Enjoy your day everyone! šŸ™‚

4 Responses to “Morning watch 7-4-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    By Poohing first, it gives them that extra burst of power!! Great Pics MAK!!!

  2. MAK Says:

    LOL thanks Donna! It certainly lightens the load!!! šŸ™‚

  3. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Happy Forth of July. I remember how folks on the forums used to fret over the fireworks after the baseball game disturbing the eyases. Not this year, alas. The adult falcons can hang out where ever they want, they have seen it all before.

  4. Ginny Says:

    Happy 4’th MAK and thanks for the great report and pics! šŸ™‚

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