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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 8-31-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well, it was bound to happen-the end of a long stretch of sunny mornings. It rained lightly during my entire watch with dark humid conditions and a starting temperature on 72 (F) 22 (C)

I took a trip around downtown looking for our falcons and as I crossed the Broad St. bridge (BSB) to look on the east side I spotted one flying above Xerox (I was thinking it was Beauty). I drove over to Court St. and it quickly left my field of vision as it flew over Bausch & Lomb heading west. I continued to check the east side and returned to the BSB after I didn’t find a falcon. There she was-the Beautyful one on the base of Mercury plucking feathers from a fresh catch.

img_0002 img_0003-beauty-has-breakfast img_0004-beauty2 img_0005-beauty-having-a-bite-to-eat

She worked on preparing it then started to gorge on it for about 10-15 minutes and she turned her back to me. She stopped and spent about the same amount of time just standing there looking around. I thought it amazing how many feathers are on a bird as I looked at so many of themΒ  stuck to the wet cement.


I decided to go down in the hole to see the front of her. Beauty started plucking feathers in earnest and then started eating again.

img_0016-beauty1 img_0017-beauty-having-a-feast img_0018-feather-face

Beauty kept moving around trying to get the right grip on her prey. She spent about an hour eating her breakfast.

img_0026-down-the-hatch img_0028-beauty1 img_0031-moving-it-around

When she had her fill Beauty hopped up to the green part of the base and cached her leftovers as she likes to do. She then had a look around and took off heading northwest.

img_0041-caching-the-leftovers-up-in-the-green-part-of-base img_0042-burp-im-so-full img_0043-guess-ill-go-to-fct-to-sleep-it-off<Click it

I found Beauty right where I expected-on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) to sleep off her meal. She was on the northeast cube and boy was her crop full. I half expected her to tip over forward from the weight! lol

img_0044-that-crop-makes-the-rest-of-her-look-puny img_0048-looking-from-the-south

I left her after a while to look for Dot.Ca (DC) knowing that she would most likely be there for hours. Since it was raining and DC hadn’t been around to beg for food there was only one place for me to look-the OCSR elevator shaft. I went to Bragdon Place next to the Radisson Hotel where I could see the south side ledge and sure enough, he was up there staying out of the rain.


I left him and Beauty to there busy schedule and headed down the road to check the Kodak Hawkeye plant, Kodak research building and last Seneca Towers. No sightings at any of those locations today so I ended my watch and went up to my apartment on the 16th floor. Keep smiling everyone! πŸ™‚

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2 Responses to “Morning watch 8-31-14”

  1. Patricia Rose Says:

    Nice shots of Beauty & the morning meal, MAK! Sure were a lot of feathers! ha! πŸ™‚

  2. MAK Says:

    It was raining feathers Patricia! πŸ™‚

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