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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 8-5-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

I thought I’d combine my watches from yesterday and today. I haven’t seen too much action nor have I seen Archer but I have spent a little time with the Beautyful one. Yesterday after making my rounds looking for our fine feathered friends I parked on the Broad St. bridge. As I was watching the nestbox suddenly a falcon flew up and landed next to the main camera. I found out later that it was Beauty and she left soon after flying to the OCSR building. She preened and occasionally looked to the north I assume in anticipation of Archers’ arrival for their morning bonding ritual.


She stayed there for the remainder of my watch.

This morning after checking around town I parked on the Broad St. bridge waiting and watching for a falcon to show up with no success. My time was getting short so I decided to drive over to city hall and have a close look at the Frontier Communications tower. It turned out to be a good call for I found Beauty under the platform on the northeast side. The next 2 pics were taken from Fitzhugh St. in front of the sister cities parking garage.

morning-watch-8-5-11-012-beauty morning-watch-8-5-11-013-b-looking-for-a

I then drove over to the city hall parking lot and spent the rest of my watch with Beauty until I had to leave for home.

morning-watch-8-5-11-015-beauty1 morning-watch-8-5-11-019-b

TGIF for tomorrow and Sunday IĀ  can stay out longer and hopefully have some more action to report. Have a great day everyone! šŸ™‚

8 Responses to “Morning watch 8-5-11”

  1. Kris G. Says:

    Thanks for the report, MAK!

  2. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Kris! Not much to report with such little time but I do my best! šŸ™‚

  3. Ginny Says:

    Thanks MAK!!

  4. MAK Says:

    You got it Ginny! šŸ™‚

  5. Deborah Says:

    Thank you MAK for persevering and bringing much anticipated information for those of us that can’t be there! Have you seen anything of Unity?

  6. chlosmom Says:

    MAK-have read twitter from this am? possibly 2 falcons fighting KP–
    U an A accounted for–wonder is you have seen Beauty since then–hope so

  7. margaret Says:

    Your reports – no matter how brief – are appreciated. You are “our” eyes! Thank you!
    Hope to read a good report early Saturday morning that you see our Beauty!

  8. MAK Says:

    I’m just now getting to write my report for this morning. I have pics of Unity tho they are grainy. I will include them in my report. Thank you for your comments everyone. I appreciate that you take the time. šŸ™‚

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