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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch – 7/14/09 – Archer & Beauty Downtown and Mariah on the Big “D” in Kodak!

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

6:30 pm – Arrived downtown.

6:40 pm – Found Archer and Beauty on the top top I-Beam of old Changing Scenes Restaurant, south side.

6:50 pm – Parked on the east end of the pedestrian bridge and spotted Mariah up on the Kodak Tower, east side launch pad, between the rockets.

7:20 pm – Nothing much happening in the gorge, so I drove over to the Kodak Tower and parked on the east side.

7:55 pm – Mariah flew off of the K-Tower, heading north. She flew out a short distance and turned back to the K-Tower, landing on the north side where I couldn’t see her. I drove down to the north end of the BeeBee Station and found Mariah sitting on the big “D” on the Kodak sign, north side of the K-Tower.

This is where I left her at 8:15 pm.

Carol P.

5 Responses to “Falcon Watch – 7/14/09 – Archer & Beauty Downtown and Mariah on the Big “D” in Kodak!”

  1. Barbara in WA Says:

    Oh my, the Kodak Tower is HOME to Mariah. I hope she “takes” to one of the other nest boxes next year.

  2. Debbe L Says:

    I’m still hoping someone gets smart and put the nest box back on the Kodak Tower – Barbara is right – that IS HOME.

  3. Janet H Says:

    It was so nice to meet your group on Sunday afternoon! Nice to put faces with the names we read so much about. Thanks again for doing what you do to keep us all updated on our wonderful Falcons.

  4. Kathy Villone Says:

    that was nice to know, I hope she will get away from there, eventually, and take to another box. She must be bewildered.

  5. Carol P. Says:

    Nice meeting you also Janet H. Please join us anytime. 🙂

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