rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 8-12-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Well imagine that! I arrived on the Broad St. bridge expecting to have to drive right through to the east side to make my usual rounds looking for a Rochester Peregrine Falcons and as I glanced up at Mercury there she was in all her glory…the Beautyful one!  Sitting perched on the base and in hunting mode with darkness all around us I made my u-turn and parked it!

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In between looking around at which prey item she wanted for breakfast she preened and rousted(shaking her body).

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Ahh, it was just like old times watching her up there on Mercury. It’s been a while since I hung out with her here. With every turn of her  head I thought she might stoop on the pigeons that were just starting to stir below her coming out of their overnight roosting spot across the river under the Convention Center.

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And then after about 30 minutes she dropped off into a stoop over the river. Missing her mark she flew up crossing over the bridge ahead of me and buzzed around above the Blue Cross Arena a bit before heading out to the Cornhill area stirring up the pigeons that reside over there.

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It was time for me to beat feet home so I tweeted that she had gone out of my view and just before I sent it out I looked up at the nestbox just as she arrived.


Landing next to the main cam I quickly shot off a couple pics tweeted it out after changing the message and sped out of there for home.  As I approached Plymouth Ave. driving westbound down Broad St. I spotted the wing flapping of a small falcon headed south toward the jail tower. I do believe it was Archer saying good bye to me as I passed through. What a great parting gift for this Rochester falcon watcher! Keep your eyes to the sky cuz ya just never know what might be passing overhead!!!  🙂

2 Responses to “Morning watch 8-12-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    Great pics MAK!! At least no running around this am.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Donna! Yup, I got to park it in one spot and save on gas! 🙂

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