rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Friday Afternoon Falcon Watch – 11/28/14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

(1:45 – 4:00 pm)

My falcon watch started at the BS location, where I found no falcons.  We have had falcons come in during past winters, so we will continue to check this location.

Downtown, I found both Beauty and Dot.ca on the south side of OCSR on the top IBeam.  Dot.ca was on the left and Beauty on the right.  They were only a few feet apart.

Dot.ca and Beauty on South Side of OCSR 11-28-14*





It was 26 degrees (F) and lightly snowing.  Beauty took off and chased after some pigeons, before landing on the base of the Mercury statue.

Beauty on Base of Mercury Statue 11-28-14*





She didn’t stay there long.  Beauty took off and flew over the river heading north.  She flew over the Radisson and then headed back towards the OCSR, where she flew up to Dot.ca.  I thought she was going to knock him off, but she continued past him heading west.

Beauty Fly By 11-28-14Dot.ca Remained on OCSR 11-28-14*





I looked for Beauty, but could not find her.  So, I went back to the Broad St Bridge to keep an eye on Dot.ca.

After awhile, he took off.  He headed west and I saw him chasing a large flock of Starlings on the west side of the Times Square Bldg.  I took another tour of the downtown area.  Finally, from the Andrews St Bridge, I saw a falcon on the Kodak Tower.  It was Dot.ca on the south east corner of the playpen netting.  He was very close to where the old Mariah and Kaver nest box had been located and he had a very large crop.

Dot.ca on KO 11-28-14Dot.ca on KO 11-28-14*





Dot.ca on KO with a very large Crop 11-28-14Dot.ca on KO Playpen Netting 11-28-14*





I ended my downtown watch and headed over to Seneca Towers.  There was one falcon on the south end of the building, on an antenna on the SE corner.  This was the only falcon I could find at this location.

Falcon at ST 11-28-14Falcon at ST 11-28-14*





I ended my watch at Russell Station.  No falcons seen.

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

(One of my yard Mourning Doves)  🙂


2 Responses to “Friday Afternoon Falcon Watch – 11/28/14”

  1. Patricia Rose Says:

    Thanks for the report, Carol! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, too! 🙂

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Patricia! Hope your’s Thanksgiving was happy too! 🙂

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