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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-18-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was another dark, overcast morning in Rochester with light snow falling at times and a temperature 0f 32 (F) 0 (C)

Click on the pics to see the full version

This morning I was late in finding our beloved falcons again as they have been scarce first thing when I arrive downtown, so I start with pics of a place on Elm St. behind the Hotel Cadillac and the Liberty Pole.

img_0001-elm-st-behind-hotel-cadilac img_0004-liberty-pole

It wasn’t until after 8am that I spotted both Beauty and Dot.ca from the Broad St. Bridge, as they were perched on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR.  I drove down to the hole to watch but they had their backs to me from there.


This just wouldn’t do, so I went over to my spot by the Radisson Hotel by Main St. for a better angle of them. They were both preening and looking around. It looked to me like Beauty had some food in her crop.

img_0007-bdc<Click it

img_0009-beauty2<Beauty   DC>img_0010-dc

Beauty and DC didn’t seem like they were much in the hunting mood seeing how they had there backs to the world and all. I was grateful to have found them before I had to leave early to be somewhere.

img_0015-beauty2 img_0016-dc4 img_0022-beauty img_0030-dc-you-lookin-at-me

They both did some stretching and DC flew off heading toward the elevator shaft. I thought for sure he was going up in it, then he veered off back to the top ibeam and landed much closer to the Beautyful one than he was previously.

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img_0038-dc-takes-off img_0040-beautyful-and-dashing<Click it

This is how I left our 2 love birds right around 9am,which of course, put a big ole smile on my face! 🙂

Click on the links below to see todays videos



7 Responses to “Morning watch 12-18-14”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    MAK, in that last picture Beauty is looking right at you! I think she knows you’re friendly.

  2. MAK Says:

    Pat, I’ve often wondered if they’re looking at me when it appears that they are-if not me, then maybe they recognize Angel Car. 🙂

  3. WLABarb Says:

    I don’t doubt that they recognize you and AC.
    Thanks for the festive report, MAK!

  4. MAK Says:

    You’re most festively welcome Barb! 🙂

  5. tapper gal Says:

    Great walk on the 18th.Thanks as usual for the Holiday pics.and the birds as well. Diane

  6. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Diane and thanks for commenting! 🙂

  7. patsy6 Says:

    Well, I know crows have the ability to recognize human faces. Maybe peregrines do too. I’ll bet someone somewhere has studied it.

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