rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-22-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was way brighter this morning because we actually had lots of clear skies for the sun to shine thru. The temperature was 28 (F+) -3 (C) when I started my watch

Click on my pics to see the full version

Another day starts with falcons at Seneca Towers where I live. Parked on Seth Green Drive after making my u-turn I could see both Billie and 99. They were on the west side railing both facing me and pretty close to each other.

img_0004-billie-and-991 img_0010-99-lookin-at-his-girl <99 Billie>img_0013-billie-poops

They gazed at each other on and off as they watched the territory for prey-as their crops were empty. Billie pooped and stretched a couple times.

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I had to change the battery in my camera and of course as soon as I got started Billie flew off,  and just as I got the camera turned on, 99 flew south over the river  and out of view.  That’s how it goes sometimes! lol  It was after 8am so I left for downtown. I made the rounds once then I spotted Beauty under the northwest wing around 8:30am. I parked on Basin St. in the hole next to the Wilder building but she had her body perched in such a way that I mostly saw her back and caught quick glimpses of the side of her head and face when she turned her head.

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I took a drive over to Broad St. behind the Times Square building for a better view but it was a worse angle than from the hole, so I returned to Basin St. Around 9:20am the Beautyful one spotted something to the east, pooped and flew off in a hurry. I lost sight of her as she reached the river. I suspect she may have seen Dot.ca and left to join him.

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I took a ride around but all I found were more decorations.

img_0050-pink-trees img_0051-tree-is-blocked img_0052-i-love-wreaths

I left downtown at 9:40am smiling after a quiet, laid back Monday morning falcon watch! 🙂

Click on the links below to see the videos from today

4 Responses to “Morning watch 12-22-14”

  1. Patricia Rose Says:

    Was nice to see the sun today! Love the pictures of the holiday decorations! Nice shot of B in the Santa hat! lol 😀

  2. tapper gal Says:

    Appreciate your efforts,and always enjoy seeing whatever you find on your travels.Diane

  3. MAK Says:

    Patricia Rose, I caught Beauty decorating Times Square! lol 🙂

  4. MAK Says:

    Well Diane, it’s a very nice feeling to be appreciated-thank you for saying so. I appreciates it! 🙂

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