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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-9-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

It was a foggy drive  this morning and as I drove down 490 the city skyline had a very cool yet eerie look to it. As I drove through the Times Square area I saw no falcons around and so I proceeded to go to the east side of our fair city. While I was over there Donna texted me that Beauty had been to the nestbox. Of course she snuck in behind my back cuz that’s what she likes to do to me! lol When I got to the Broad St. bridge I could see 2 distinct bumps on the jail tower so I drove on to find a closer view of the front of them. Archer was on the top arm and Beauty the 3rd arm below him both on the east side of the structure.

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One thing I have observed over time is that Archer is always above her on structures and usually to the left of her when they are side by side on buildings. I don’t know if this is falcon behavior or just their thing. Anyway, Archer looked down at her and Beauty looked up at him several times while I watched our downtown Peregrine pair.

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Another observation is that almost every time Archer flies off first  and she follows after him. After an hour they left in that very fashion and I found them over on the OCSR building. The Beautyful one was on the west corner top ibeam and I caught a quick glimpse of  him on the south corner top ibeam before he flew over to Mercury landing on the base. It appeared he had a small cache of food with him.

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Beauty started to whine and suddenly she was off heading straight for Archer and his little tidbit. He beat feet out of there leaving it behind for her and she settled on the base picking at his leftovers. Whenever Beauty flies toward Archer he takes off quickly almost like he’s afraid of her, it’s very funny to see. Archer flew over to the south corner  top ibeam of OCSR to watch his mate.

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From here they flew together over to the jail tower. Archer landing on the top arm east side as Beauty perched on the north side down lower than him on the frame of the structure.

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This is where I left them basking in the sun that has made a return to these parts after several gloomy days!  For more pics of my watch click on the link below and have a great day !  🙂


2 Responses to “Morning watch 9-9-11”

  1. margaret Says:

    First thing I check in the morning when I get into “work”….even if I don’t comment! Always read and looks at pictures and envy you! So thanks, MAK, for sharing with all of us!

  2. mkurtz Says:

    No problem Margaret! 🙂

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