rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-16-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

What an easy find I had this morning! For the first time EVER as I came down the ramp off 490 I looked up at the Frontier Communications Tower to see both Beauty and Archer. He was on the top arm and she was on the 2nd arm directly below him on the south side.

morning-watch-9-16-11-001-ba Make sure to click on pic for full view

Still a bit dark out at first as I sat there on Plymouth Ave. watching them the sky behind the OCSR building started to light up from the rising sun.


Beauty and Archer both took off flying to the south and then coming back toward me and heading west after that going higher and higher until I couldn’t see them anymore. I went for a little jaunt to see if they went to the nestbox and as I pulled up to park on the Broad St. bridge some 15 minutes later I spotted a falcon on the platform railing over on the FCT. So they had doubled back on me the little sneaks! I drove back over and parked on Fitzhugh St. I tweeted that Archer was on the railing and Beauty was under the platform eating but after checking my pics I found that it was the other way around.

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Archer ate for 20 minutes under the platform while Beauty waited patiently. When he had his fill heΒ  took the prey up to the platform where Beauty took over eating. At first he watched her from the railing above and then he half hopped/half flew over to the east railing.

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Beauty took the prey over to the east side of the platform and finished it up as Archer watched.


She then flew up to the north railing where she cleaned herself up before flying off to the south toward Times Square and returning to perch under the platform. Archer remained on the east railing the whole time.

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They both preened as I sit watching them. I took videos of them and put together a photo album of which I will post the links to at the end of this report.Β  I ended my watch with them seemingly hunkered down for a rest after their shared breakfast.

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I had a very enjoyable watch with our downtown pair today. I hope I was able to capture it through my pics and videos so that all of you can enjoy it too! Have a great day and keep smiling!Β  πŸ™‚




10 Responses to “Morning watch 9-16-11”

  1. ei Says:

    Thanks for the pics & videos, MAK! Excellent, as always! Plus I think I figured out why we couldn’t see Archer from cam 1, which Shaky had so kindly moved over there based on your tweets. Since he was down a rung from where we saw a PeFa we couldn’t see him!

  2. Ginny Says:

    What a great watch you had MAK and the pics and the videos were so enjoyable!
    THANK YOU! πŸ™‚

  3. mkurtz Says:

    You’re welcome ladies! πŸ™‚

  4. Carol Says:

    It was such a beautiful sunrise this morning. Nice pic MAK!

  5. mkurtz Says:

    Thanks Carol! πŸ™‚

  6. margaret Says:

    Nice pictures and report, MAK. A and B made it easy for you this morning. It was a wonderful sunrise this morning. I may not have been watching falcons, but I was driving east — right into the sunrise this morning and it was beautiful! In addition – it was Friday – so it was all good. But you captured the picture of the sunrise. Love that sun!

  7. mkurtz Says:

    Thanks Margaret! Comments are much appreciated as I do spend a considerable amount of time putting these reports together. It’s good to hear people are enjoying them! πŸ™‚

  8. Donna Says:

    Sometimes I wonder how you all find these Falcons on the FCT!! With all the metal work, grids, girders, arms, legs, platforms, railings….it’s nuts!! Guess it takes a good “eye”. Thanks for the great pics.

  9. mkurtz Says:

    You’re welcome Donna! It takes lots of practice and sometimes you just look for a tiny bit of movement that tips you off. Or as was the case this day I watched where Beauty was looking and started my search from there, finding Archer as he was moving from eating his breakfast. Oh, and a good eye helps! πŸ™‚

  10. Laronda Kilbourne Says:

    Actually excellent, seriously a great evaluate Pinterest even for non-affiliates. I’m stumbling this 1 for you… many thanks!

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