Morning watch 6-10-15
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
This morning it was 56(F) 13(C) when I started out and when the sun came up it stayed out
Dan was on the Broad St. bridge (BSB) when I arrived at around 5:15am. Beauty was on cam 1 and (DC) on the 3rd ibeam south corner of OCSR. As I was unfolding my chair he took off out of view quickly. There were 2 eyasses in view up on the deck.
Approximately 5:45am Beauty went down to the nest box ledge showing us her back. I had a feeling DC was on the Wilder Green strip (WGS) so I took a walk down by the Blue Cross Arena (BCA) and sure enough he was next to the fire escape ladder and he was snoozing!
I re-joined Dan up on the bridge and a few minutes later DC appeared over the river crossing over the bridge to our left and disappeared to the southeast. Dan left after that and I packed up and went down to the hole where I spotted DC flying over the Wilder building with food in his talons. He flew out over the river around Mercury, came back through circling Widows Walk (WW) back over Wilder then behind Times Square (TSB) then I lost sight of him as he went southeast. I left Beauty and the kids up at the nest box to look for DC.
I didn’t find DC until I returned to Basin St. in the hole to watch Beauty who was now on the column above the nest box. She was pointed toward the back of TSB so she actually led me to DC. He was on the back lower north side of the building just below the roof line plucking feathers from his prey.
DC started eating and when he finished he seemed like he was contemplating what to do-should I stash it here or take it somewhere else?
DC opted for taking it with him-Beauty flew out to meet him over the Philipone building but he didn’t give it to her so she started squawking at him and gave chase, catching up to him over the parking lot next to the TSB and grabbed the food from him.
I drove up to the BSB to see where everybody went. The Beautyful one had taken the leftovers to the base of Mercury, had a few bites then took what was left to feed to the kids. DC went to the 2nd ibeam south corner of OCSR.
At 7:14am DC flew off OCSR and swooped down over the top of the nest box area then flew over to the heel of Mercury to pick at his talons from his breakfast.
Meanwhile Beauty was finishing up feeding the kids’ their meager meal.
Beauty went to cam 1 to relax after the kids were done eating-DC remained on Mercury’s heel as I left for awhile.
While I was gone Larry stopped for a quick watch before work reporting Beauty and DC where I had left them and that he saw an eyas winging and one near the main cam. When I returned around 9:30am Beauty was on cam 1 sleeping and DC was on the Mercury money bag.
I had come full circle by ending my watch the same way I started-seeing Beauty on cam 1. I checked Seneca Towers when I got home at 10:10am-there were no falcons on the building. That’s ok because our downtown Rochester Peregrine Falcon family gave me plenty to smile about on this morning watch! 🙂
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June 10th, 2015 at 8:23 PM
Thank you for the report MAK. DC and his food – what little character. The eyasses are growing so fast and seem to change almost daily. Annie
June 10th, 2015 at 9:21 PM
You’re most welcome Annie! DC does like his food!! It’s really unbelievable how fast they grow up. Thanks for commenting. 🙂