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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch Update – 9/14/09

From Rochester Falcon Watcher, Carol P.

Archer and Beauty have been staying very close to the Times Square Bldg and what we believe will be their chosen nest site next year.  I look forward to seeing young Falcons in Rochester again next year, if all goes well.

There have been very few Falcon sightings at Kodak Park over the past few weeks and no positive ID’s on Mariah.  We’ll keep an eye on that area and report any Falcon sightings.

We had an unusual sighting at the Hawkeye nest box on Sunday morning.  Kathy O called me to say that 3 Kestrels were battling with a murder of Crows.  By the time I arrived, the battle was almost over.  The Kestrels flew off to the East and the Crows continued to bicker amonst themselves.  Some of them actually landed on and in the nest box.

Hmmmmm, wonder what that was all about?

Keep your eyes to the sky!

Carol P.

5 Responses to “Falcon Watch Update – 9/14/09”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    Appreciate the update, Carol P.! It is very exciting to think we may see young falcons again next spring, but it is bittersweet that it appears it won’t be Mariah’s offspring we see. Here’s hoping she is fairing well wherever she may be!

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I was delighted to open the website and see either Archer or Beauty in the nest box this morning.

  3. Carol P. Says:

    If it can’t be Mariah & Kaver, I’m very happy that the legacy will continue with their Grandson Archer. He is the spitting image of his Grandma. 🙂

  4. Maureen in MA Says:

    I agree!

  5. Melissa Says:

    Thanks for the update Carol P.!! Always good to get one, no
    matter what the news is……

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