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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch/juvie at Medley Centre 9-8-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

A balmy 71 (F) 22 (C) and once again humid with a hazy sky

Billie and Seth started my day again as they were perched on the top north end window ledge of Seneca Towers. They showed a little sign of life a couple of times but for the most part remained pretty motionless as they usually are first thing in the morning.



I arrived downtown on the Andrews St. bridge just around 7am where I spotted Dot.ca (DC) on the northeast corner of the Kodak Office (KO) playpen netting (a favorite spot of his to hunt from). I went down to State and Platt St. to hang out with him as he was scoping out his kingdom. He lost his balance once and caught himself by spreading out his wings.


I left his whiteness to look for Beauty and I found her near the northeast corner of City Place from State St. on my second trip around. I arrived at the Hochstein School of Music parking lot where I’m friends with the parking attendant around 7:35am. He lets me park by his booth while the parking lot fills up with paying customers, so I’m out of the way. He told me that there had been a lot of noise out of the falcons this morning so perhaps a juvie was involved.


The Beautyful one stayed up there with her back to me for 30 minutes looking to and fro, then she flew east at 7:55am. I love how the sun illuminated her.


I would drive around searching for the next 40 minutes and in my travels I saw a falcon briefly on the east side top railing of the Powers building while I was stopped at the traffic light at Main and State St. It was gone when I found a spot to stop and check it out. I then saw a falcon at the base of Mercury with what looked like prey from the Andrews St. bridge but again, it left before I could get to the Broad St. bridge for a closer look.


I wasn’t able to locate any more falcons downtown so I left for the Medley Centre hoping to catch Big Frank but for the third day in a row I missed him. However, after my second trip around the mall an unbanded juvie showed up on the glass peak over the carousel. This juvie looked a lot like Sellie from Seneca Towers to me but there’s no way of proving it.


It was definitely a male juvie and I shared space with him for only 5-10 minutes before he took off to the west in the direction of Seneca Towers and the river. I lost sight of him as he went beyond the Target store that’s next door to the Medley Centre.


That’s all she wrote as I drove home smiling thinking that I had just saw one of Billie and Seths’ kids one more time! 🙂

Click on the links below to view today’s videos





2 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch/juvie at Medley Centre 9-8-15”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Wonderful take-off pictures, MAK

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Alison! 🙂

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