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Eyes to the Skies

Two Things to be Thankful for – 11/26/09

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P for Kathy O and Larry O:

Happy Thanksgiving!

This morning at 9:50 am, I received a call from Kathy O.  She was very excited!  Kathy told me she had been driving down 104 (Keehler St Xpressway), heading east.  She saw a bunch of pigeons flying over the three tall apartment buildings on the north side of the expressway.  She pulled over as soon as it was safe and grabbed her binoculars.  There was a flock of Pigeons flying over the apartments and on closer inspection, a Peregrine was flying behind them.  Kind of just floating up there.  She was very excited when she saw the split wing tip!  Yes!  She is 99% sure she was watching Mariah.

Mariah landed on the railing on top of the east most apartment.  By the time Kathy drove around to get a better view, Mariah was gone.  What a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving day.

At 10:10 am, my phone rang again.  It was Larry O and he had Beauty on the Mercury Statue near the Times Square Bldg.  

So within 20 minutes, we had sightings of both Mariah and Beauty.  Woo Hoo!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Carol P.

7 Responses to “Two Things to be Thankful for – 11/26/09”

  1. Kathy Villone Says:

    WooHoo is right Carol, thank you so much for that news, it is truly a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our Rochester eyes and feet as well as to the bathrobe brigade at their desktops.

  3. Doris F. Says:

    How great is that!!! So glad to hear news of Mariah and Beauty….especially Mariah!!!!

  4. Maureen in MA Says:

    Woo hoooo indeed! Happy Thanksgiving to all, especially to our watchers!! 😀

  5. Barb C Says:

    Yes! It’s so good to know that both are dong well.

  6. birdlover Says:

    Carol P – that *IS* Mariah that sits on the light on 104 around 5PM every night in all that mess of traffic heading west.

    The Maplewood area is a great place for her to “vacation” from all the fuss downtown between territorial battles and Kodak’s renovations.

  7. Carol P. Says:

    @Birdlover – One day you’ll get a picture of Mariah on that light pole and prove to me wrong. Until then………….. let’s agree to disagree. 🙂

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