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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch/Genesee seen again 10-12-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The weather was just dandy today with sunny blue skies, breezy and a starting temperature of  55 (F) 13 (C)

I started the day with Seth on the north window ledge and Billie on the south window of Seneca Towers.


I made my way to downtown and spotted a falcon on the northeast corner of City Place with prey from the Andrews St. bridge (ASB)


I drove over to the Hochstein School of Music parking lot for a closer view but I had a hard time deciding who it was because it had its back to me. At first I thought Dot.ca (DC) but the side of his face wasn’t quite right.


As he started plucking feathers I thought I’d go look for Beauty and I did-as I was checking Kodak Office I spotted her from Verona St. on the northeast cube of the Frontier Communications tower (FCT). I drove to Fitzhugh St. in front of the Sister Cities parking garage to see the front of her while behind me was City Place.


Unbeknownst to me DC had flown in and landed on the cube with her-it’s amazing what I find in my pics and videos when I look at them on the computer that I miss on my little LCD camera screen. They were looking at each other as if to say-I don’t believe it-as in their son, Genesee is still hanging around. It was him on City Place with food as I found out after returning to the parking lot below it.


I was able to get a few leg shots showing the silver band on his right leg and the black over green band on his left leg. He just refuses to leave home! 🙂


Genesee did some whining and preening and occasionally looked back at his parents


He looked down in my direction then pooped before taking off at 8:36am over to the roof of City Place where Beauty takes baths and disappeared .


I drove out farther to try to see him up there but I couldn’t so I returned to FCT, parking in the City Hall parking lot where I could see Beauty was still on the northeast cube and DC was on the beam that connects the north and southeast cubes with his back to me. Again I wasn’t sure if it was him or his son. Beauty took off to the southeast at 8:48am and that’s when I knew it wasn’t Genesee because he would most likely have followed her.


I went back down to Fitzhugh St. by the Sister Cities garage to confirm that it was DC on the beam. He napped for a short time then looked southeast and took off in that direction at 8:53am.


I left to check the Medley Centre for Big Frank who hasn’t been seen in a few days now and today was no different. When I got home to Seneca Towers Seth was on the north window ledge.


I ended my watch about 9:45am smiling over the fact that Genesee is still hanging out with his folks! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos



6 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch/Genesee seen again 10-12-15”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    Funny , how some kids never want to leave home!!! Nice to see him however!!(They probably don’t think so !) Sigh! Thanks for the great pictures! June

  2. MAK Says:

    My pleasure June! He’s a funny little guy!! 🙂

  3. patsy6 Says:

    That is a perfect caption for that picture, MAK. They both have incredulous looks on their faces, as if to say ‘What, him again?’ 🙂

  4. Ann Says:

    Thank you for the report. It will be interesting to see what Genesse does. Annie

  5. MAK Says:

    Pat, they’re like-what should we do!? 🙂

  6. MAK Says:

    Thanks for commenting Annie! Genesee has always been interesting!! 🙂

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