rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch 10-22-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 58 (F) 14 (C) when I started my watch at 7:30am with mostly cloudy skies and a busy breeze

I first checked the north end of Seneca Towers from the back of my parking lot where I could see a falcon on the northwest corner railing. I couldn’t tell who it was so I went out to Seth Green Dr. where I could see another one on the west side railing. I’m pretty sure Billie was on the corner and Seth on the west side.


I left for downtown and encountered big time traffic backups at every turn and I was having phone problems as well. I arrived on the Andrews St. bridge after 8am and found Dot.ca (DC) on the top I-beam near the north corner. I watched him for about 15 minutes then left to look for Beauty.


Saw some pretty mums below HSBC and  spotted the Beautyful one on one of the northeast corners of the Legacy Tower (LT) while I was stopped at the intersection of Broad St. and Clinton Ave.


I drove around the corner to Clinton and Elm St. where I could park to observe Beauty as she was in hunt mode. She was watching something below her and the east side where there are many pigeons. At 8:31am she spotted something to the north and flew off in that direction. Just before I lost sight of her behind buildings she went into a stoop near the Sibley building.


She would be the last PEFA I saw today-after checking downtown, Medley Center, Hawkeye and Seneca Towers unsuccessfully I ended my watch at 9:15am. I saw our 2 pair so I was smiling after a very quiet watch! 🙂

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