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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch 11-18-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

A balmy morning for November in Rochester with a temperature of 50 (F) 10 (C)  and breezy, overcast conditions

I started my day with Billie on the northwest corner below the railing and Seth in his usual spot on the north window ledge at Seneca Towers from below in my parking lot.


I drove out to East Ridge Rd. to observe them for a few minutes until I had to leave to have some blood drawn for testing. I don’t think Seth took his eyes off Billie once in the time I spent there.


I waited to see if Buffalo Billie would take off after pooping but she stayed, so I left to take care of business.


I was close to the Medley Centre so I checked there first before heading downtown-no falcons and no other birds there. Thought that was odd. I arrived on the Andrews St. Bridge around 8:30am and spotted Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) over on the northeast cube of the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT).


While I drove over to the City Hall parking lot DC left but soon after I got there he returned and landed next to the Beautyful one. Unfortunately, they both had their back to me but they showed their profile from time to time so I could see their faces.


Beauty had been preening and now DC started to as well. It was sweet watching them preen together so close to each other. Their bond gets stronger with each passing year-something I didn’t think was ever going to happen after the first couple years of struggles.


I left them to it and headed for home-on my way I checked Hawkeye but saw no falcons there as well as Seneca Towers when I got there. I ended a pretty uneventful watch at 9:20am but certainly enough reason to smile! 🙂

Click on the link below to see today’s short snippet video


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