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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch/Big Frank sighting 12-16-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was overcast this morning with a misty rain at the start and a temperature of 38 (F) 3 (C)

Unfortunately, I didn’t see Billie or Seth today. I found Beauty on the top I-beam west corner of OCSR when I pulled over on the Andrews St. bridge (ASB).


For a better view I drove over to State St. across from the Holiday Inn. She was taking in her surroundings.


After a while, the Beautyful one  attempted to extract a pellet. Something caught her eye and she pooped just before taking off to the Ellwanger & Barry (E&B) building which was on the same side of State St. as I was so I couldn’t really see it that well.


To my surprise, as Beauty landed up on the green strip Dot.ca (DC) came flying off of it with prey in his talons. He flew east across the river and past the Radisson Hotel out of view. I drove over to the ASB and saw that Beauty had left E&B but I could see a falcon on the base of Mercury with food. I drove to the Broad St. bridge to find DC plucking feathers on the green base.


I had to go walk fellow watcher and friend’s dog, Bella, so I checked the Brighton site first where I saw no PEFA’s but I found a Cooper’s Hawk to the south of that site on a railing.


I had some reindeer antlers for dogs that Jeanne and I put on Isabella for a photo op, so these are my Christmas pics for today.


After our walk I left for the Medley Centre where I found Big Frank (BF) (Frankie) on the glass peak around 10:15am. Dana had reported seeing her from a distance but didn’t know who it was. I was able to see the black over black band on Frankie’s left leg and no band on the right which indicated that it was BF.


Watcher Dick came by to join the watch. Frankie didn’t seem interested in some pigeons and starlings that flew past-she likes the big prey like gulls and ducks. lol A real big bird flew behind her but she missed it. haha!


BF did some leg and wing stretches just before I left her. It was great to see her as I haven’t in quite some time.


I ended my watch around 11:30 with a great big smile after seeing a great big Frankie! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos



5 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch/Big Frank sighting 12-16-15”

  1. Lynne Heroux Says:

    Isabella looks like she does not appreciate being in the Holiday Spirit !!

  2. MAK Says:

    Lynn, she really was good about it! 🙂

  3. TapperGal Says:

    Highlight——Seeing Frank,have wondered what became of her,and the dog,looks very meek and mild with the antlers on,what a good sport.Thanks for the entertaining “watch”MAK.

  4. MAK Says:

    My pleasure Diane! Seeing Frankie was my highlight too! 🙂

  5. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Poor Isabella, she looks very miserable, if obedient.

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