rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch 1-7-16

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Today’s starting temperature was a copy of yesterday at 22 (F) -6 (C) with mostly sunny conditions

I thought I was looking at Billie at the time, but it turns out it was Seth I started my day with as he was on the north window when I first landed on East Ridge Rd.


He flew off out over the river then returned and came to rest on the northwest corner below the railing.


I left after a few minutes for downtown-once there, I found Dot.ca (DC) on the north ledge of the OCSR elevator shaft. He was tucked in a bit but showing his whiteness, making it easy on me for the ID.


I checked the south ledge for Beauty but didn’t see her, so I took a ride around downtown to search for her. I didn’t find her until I came back around to Bragdon Place where I checked the south side of the elevator shaft again. This time I could just barely make out the dark form of the back of a falcon-I wondered if she had been up there the first time I checked as I wasn’t totally convinced a falcon was there until she came out of the shadows.


The Beautyful one then flew out over the river, made a U-turn and returned to the same spot she had just vacated.


I left around 8:35am, checking on DC one more time from the Radisson Hotel by Main St.-he was still up there so off to the Medley Centre mall I went.


I didn’t see any falcons at the mall but when I arrived at my spot on East Ridge Rd. I found Seth was still hanging around at the north end of the building. He was up on the railing and he flew off soon after I arrived, doubling back to land on the north window ledge.



I left him and flew off myself to end my watch at about 9:30am. Our falcons continue to make me smile every morning! 🙂

Click on the link below to see today’s snippets


2 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch 1-7-16”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    I’ve been having computer problems..Or maybe old lady problems. My son-in law is a bit of a computer whiz. and he had a go at mine while everyone was here to celebrate a late holiday.. He changed “things” enough that I am more confused than usual…Long (boring ) story short I have not been going to the computer so much and I have been “missing” seeing our friends. I’m glad to be back “smiling ” with you! Thanks for being there! June

  2. MAK Says:

    I’m very happy to hear from you June! Glad it was your computer ailing and not you!! You’ve made me smile!!! 🙂

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