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Eyes to the Skies

Thursday Morning Genesee Falcon Watch – 10/6/18

By Rochester Falcon Watch Carol P.

Another beautiful, sunny fall day here in Rochester, NY with temps going up into the mid 70’s (F).

I started my day very early this morning, taking a friend to the hospital.  After dropping him off, I drove through downtown Rochester.  All was quiet and all was dark.  lol  I checked what I could, but could see no falcons.  Later in the morning, Donna reported seeing Dot.ca bowing at the Powers nest box and fellow watchers Brian H and Kathy O, had Beauty on the Frontier Communication tower.

Since it was too dark to see anything, I headed north to the lake (Ontario).  By the time I made my way to the Summerville side of the river, the sun was just starting to rise.  I waited, but Genesee was a no show.  Fellow watcher Dana reported from the Charlotte side of the river.  Genesee was on top of the Shumway Marina antenna.  I headed over to that location and watched Genesee looking over his territory.  He took off and flew low over the river, heading south.  He soon returned, and Dana and I enjoyed watching Genesee eat his early morning breakfast.  It looked like he retrieved a cache of food, half of a pigeon.  Hey!  Nothing goes to waste!

Here are some pics of Genesee from this morning.  Enjoy!

*Be sure to click on any pics to see the larger version.*



Here’s another view of Genesee’s world, looking across the Genesee River.


I also took some video snippets of Genesee from my morning watch. Just click on these two links!



6 Responses to “Thursday Morning Genesee Falcon Watch – 10/6/18”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Thanks, Carol. It seems that Genesee is looking more and more like an adult. We are so privileged to be able to watch him grow up.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    You’re welcome Pat! We sure are lucky to have him so close to home! 🙂

  3. Kris G. Says:

    Thanks, Carol! I’m so glad you watchers are able to see him just about everyday! Wonder what he will do in the coming months?

  4. Carol P. Says:

    You’re welcome Kris! His behavior over the next few months will be very interesting to watch. The biggest question is, will he stay here through the winter? 🙂

  5. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I don’t see why not. He is out of the way of other adult falcons, there is plenty to eat and places to roost. What more could a young tiercel want?
    But come spring and time to find mate and nesting site, the picture could change.

  6. Carol P. Says:

    Very true Alison.

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