rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Falcon Headcount – 11/13/16

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Just a quick report from this weekend’s headcount.

Genesee at Charlotte/Summerville.


Beauty and Dot.ca, Downtown Rochester.

11-dc-in-ocsr-elevator-shaft-11-13-16<— Dot.ca in the OCSR Elevator Shaft.

12-beauty-on-ocsr-11-13-16<— Beauty on the south side of OCSR.

The unbanded female at the Brighton Site.


I was not able to find Billie and Seth at Seneca Towers, but they were seen by other watchers.

I’d like to end with some pictures of Genesee’s world.  We are so enjoying keeping an eye on him in the Charlotte/Summerville area.




4 Responses to “Sunday Falcon Headcount – 11/13/16”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Carol, I LOVE the pic of the Stephen B. Roman at the turning point!

  2. Annette Says:

    Hi, I love the splendid full moon!

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! Dana and I followed it down the path. We got to see it turn! Very cool! 🙂

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Thank you so much Annette! 🙂

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