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Eyes to the Skies

A Saturday Falcon Watch – 5/12/12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Date : 5/12/12
Time: 8:30 am to noon & 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Weather: Sunny and temps in the 70’s; nice and warm (A Beautiful Day!)
Watchers: Dana, Lou & Carol P
Places: Downtown Rochester (Times Square Nestsite) (TS) & Brighton Site (BS)
Peregrines Seen: Current TS Resident Female (Beauty) & Two Peregrines at BS (Dot .ca aka DC & Sub-Adult Female aka SA)

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Lots going on downtown including a gathering and parade of dachshunds. Not something you see every day. Graduations continue at the Blue Cross Arena aka Rochester War Memorial and the 2nd day of the Lilac Festival at Highland Park.

When I arrived around 8:30 am, Beauty was up at the NE wing of the Times Square Bldg (TSB). She was preening and soaking up the sun. I was joined by Dana.

At 10:00 am, Beauty started to whine. She took off and flew around a bit before going into the nest box. Soon after, Dot.ca flew in and landed at the SE wing. At approximately 11:00 am, Dot.ca left while we weren’t looking. Beauty came out of the nest box heading east where we lost sight of her. Dana and I decided to split up and look for them. She was going to head over to the BS location, but could not get close due to the Lilac Festival. I drove around the downtown area checking out all the buildings. Neither of us had any luck.

We both met back at Aqueduct St. For the next hour, we had no falcons in sight. I decided to leave to have some lunch. Before I got too far I received a text from Dana that Beauty had returned.

I returned downtown around 3:30 pm. Dot.ca was at the NE wing and Beauty was in the nest box. Soon after I arrived, I was joined by Dana and Lou for a short while. At 4:10 pm, first Dot.ca and then Beauty took off from the TSB and flew together above us. They both headed east, but were only gone for a few moments. First Beauty and then Dot.ca flew back to the nest box, fast!. There was a Turkey Vulture (TV) close to the building and DC chased it towards the southwest.

After that Dot.ca continued to fly higher and higher, circling the area. Beauty perched on the railing outside of the scrape and watched DC above. He would fly in and out of our view, before we couldn’t see him anymore. At one point I did see him stoop past the Radisson Hotel, but didn’t see where he went. I did not see DC for the remainder of my watch. Dana and Lou left and I remained for another hour before heading home myself, leaving Beauty on the perch in front of the nest box.

Tomorrow is Mothers Day! Happy Mom’s Day to all you moms. Enjoy your day!

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