rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Mid-Morning Watch 03-24-10 Beauty & Archer

From Rochester Falcon Watcher ~Joyce

Taking advantage of the sunny skies, I stopped downtown for an hour to check on Beauty and Archer.   As many of you saw on the webcam, Beauty was perched at the nestbox platform.  Archer was on Old Changing Scenes. 

Here are some shots taken on Wednesday morning from ground level.



5 Responses to “Mid-Morning Watch 03-24-10 Beauty & Archer”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Unfortunately, Picasa is acting funny (formatting issues) and I can read the captions, but not really see the “pinky nail” pictures.
    Has any one else had trouble with Google services since the blow-up with China? Searches don’t go through, etc…

  2. Tim Says:

    There is a Falcon in the times square box right now. 10:40am

  3. Lorr54 Says:

    I was able to see the photos just fine. Wonderful! I love the falcons are back. thank you!

  4. Betsy Says:

    I wish I could be in Rochester to see al the action, I am waiting got Dayton to start our camera feed live. Enjoy the shows

  5. Maureen in MA Says:

    Great pictures – thank you for sharing them with us!

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