rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch ( 6:30 – 9:30 am) – 7/8/20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Kathy O, Larry O and Carol P.

Weather: Really warm and humid. Lots of clouds, which made it bearable. Going up into the 90’s later today.

We spent most of our watch traveling around the area near the Times Square Bldg, where we were able to find all three juvies. Beauty was at the Powers Bldg. I don’t think we saw Dot.ca during the morning watch.

There was a lot of flying, chasing, talon tagging and attempted hunts by our juvies. Roc had food up on the Times Square Ext, that may have been a cache or something he caught. We did not witness him successfully hunt.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Roc on Academy Bldg (Old School)
Roc & we think Hope on Antenna Near Jail
Hope on WW
Hope and Roc on WW
Geraki, Hope and Roc on WW
Geraki & Hope on TSB
Hope on TSB
Roc on TSB
Geraki on Mercury
Roc on TSB
Geraki Off Mercury
Roc on Library
Roc on Library
Roc & Pigeon on the Library
Three in the Sky
Two Flying Together

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