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Eyes to the Skies

Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/15/20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Kathy O, Larry O & Carol P.

Weather: Another gorgeous morning. Bright Blue Sky and warm temps.

The first falcon I saw this morning was up on the Times Square Bldg, NE wing ledge. I was able to see this falcon from Kodak Office. When I pulled into the hole (Aqueduct St), I saw a juvie up on the base of Mercury. It was Hope and she was having her breakfast. Beauty was the adult up on the Times Square Bldg.

I walked up to the Broad St Bridge, where the lighting was better. It’s not good to take pictures directly into the bright sun. I was soon joined on the bridge by Larry O. Kathy O had texted that she was driving around trying to find the other falcons.

After finishing her meal, Hope flew over to Widows Walk (WW). Kathy joined me and we settled in to keep an eye on Hope, since we couldn’t find Roc & Geraki. Twice Hope stooped off of WW attempting to catch one of the pigeons there. She missed both times, returning to WW. Beauty was keeping an eye on her daughter from above.

We had been talking about the fact that we had not seen Hope make any serious attempts to hunt yet, so it was great to see her hunt.

Kathy was the first to spot a momma duck and 10 ducklings heading towards us across the parking lot. Oh, boy!

I took a quick pic after they passed us and locked up my camera and binocs. It was time to help this little family to get to the river. With the help of another lady and three guys who were sitting in the park, Kathy & I were able to get all of them to the river. It feels awesome to help when you can!

After returning to the hole, Hope was gone from WW and Beauty was up on the base of Mercury finishing Hope’s breakfast. Kathy went to search for the duck’s nest. She found it in a planter close to the road. Thankfully they were now safe.

We drove around, but were unable to find any of our Rochester Falcons. It was close to 10 am and getting much warmer. Siesta Time!

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Hope on Base of Mercury Eating Her Breakfast
Beauty on TSB
Hope on Mercury
Hope on Mercury
Hello Falcon Fans!
After Finishing Her Meal, Hope is Off!
Nice Big Crop!
Hope on WW
Beauty on TSB Watching Over Hope
Hope on WW
Hope on WW
Beauty on Mercury Eating Hope’s Leftovers
Momma Duck and 10 Ducklings
We were able to escort them safely to the river.
Kathy O Found the Duck’s Nest
Looks like someone was helping them.

5 Responses to “Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/15/20”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Those ducklings are so cute! Thanks to you and Kathy for guiding them all to the river. Great pics of Hope on Mercury!

  2. Kathy Majich Says:

    Awww…thank you for helping mama duck and her babies <3

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! Ducklings are darling! 🙂

  4. Carol P. Says:

    It seems like we help at least one duck family a year. Thanks Kathy.

  5. Susan C (K) Says:

    Yup, it seems like at least one family every year, doesn’t it? Interesting that someone put out crackers and water for them, did you leave a note telling them the ducks made it safely to the river? I bet they’d love to hear that.
    Once again, many thanks for what you all do, I wish I was there to assist!

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