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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/26/20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Larry O & Carol P.

Weather: The day started out cool & sunny, but the temps will rise to close to 90 degrees this afternoon. Mornings are the best time to watch right now.

It was a fun watch this morning. Happily Hope was hanging out with her mom, Beauty, who we believe has started a molt. Beauty was on the Powers Bldg and Hope was everywhere else. Let’s see, she was on the 5 Star Bank Bldg, the Times Square Bldg, the Wilder Bldg, the base of Mercury and B&L. Those are the places I saw her. lol

We were also happy to see a Black-crowned Night Heron, probably two. We believe they are setting up a nest in one of the trees along the river. Dana saw one go into the tree with nesting material.

We spent our morning watching Hope and driving around trying to find her again when she took off. Every day we have Hope or Roc or Geraki, it’s a good day. One of these days, they’ll be gone.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on Powers Bldg
Hope on the Five Star Bank
Hope on the Times Square Bldg
on the Ledge Above the Nest Box
Hope on the Times Square Bldg
Hope on the Times Square Bldg
Hope on the Times Square Bldg
Hope on the Times Square Bldg
Hope Takes Off From the Times Square Bldg
Hope Takes Off From the Times Square Bldg
Beauty on the Powers Bldg
Hope on the Base of Mercury
Hope on the Base of Mercury
Hope Flies Past the Powers Bldg
Hope on B&L
Beauty on the Times Square Bldg
Hey! You’re not a Falcon!
Black-crowned Night Heron on Aqueduct Bldg
Black-crowned Night Heron
in a Tree Along the River

3 Responses to “Sunday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/26/20”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    So good to see the Black Crowned Night Heron!

  2. Carol P. Says:

    We were so happy to see them Pat!

  3. Blake Smith Says:

    always great pics, thanks to all involved

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