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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch meeting/falcon watch 7-21-12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Today was the first fledge watch meeting since Jemison and the late,great Calidora graced our skies. Looking forward to a successful fledge season without incident. The people that attended include-KathyO,LarryO,Lynda,Tim,Carol,Carrie,Shaky,Dan,Jeanne,June,Patsy,DebbieH,Joyce,Lisa and yours truly MAK.

Kathy and I arrived downtown first at around 8:15am and found Dot.Ca(DC) on the base of Mercury. He was picking at something up there with his back mostly to us..

img_7304-dc img_7313-dc

When Larry arrived DC flew to the south corner of OCSR on the top ibeam.


I took lots of pics of Mr. DC cuz I know his peeps miss seeing him and he was posing for us after all. lol So he stayed on OCSR while we had our little meeting and Beauty was up in the nest box with Orion. The highlight of this watcher get together was when the sprinklers went off where we were sitting in Aqueduct Park. People went flying,donut holes went flying and then the gulls came in flying to get at the tasty morsels from Tim Hortons! It was chaos I tell you and pretty darn funny! lol

img_7322-fledge-watch-meeting This is where most of us were sitting. img_7326-sprinklers-went-off-on-us-lol This is who is left after sprinklers started.

After the meeting broke up Kathy,Carol,Joyce and I went up to the hole to falcon watch with Brian joining us shortly thereafter.  This weekend is the Puerto Rican Festival and they were having a parade down Main St. to start off the days festivities. Beauty made an appearance showing up on the 2nd ibeam on the west corner of OCSR.


A nice young man by the name of Karl joined us for awhile. He wants to learn about our falcons and we’re only too happy to oblige him. Kathy and I left around noon and made a short visit to the Brighton site to find Pigott. Kathy spotted her on our 2nd trip around the building on a window ledge where she had seen her before on the south side(back of building). After a few minutes she flew around to the front of the building and again after going around a couple times I spotted her on a north side window ledge. We left smiling and as they say-” that’s all she wrote “. 🙂

Click on the links below for more pics and a video



2 Responses to “Fledge watch meeting/falcon watch 7-21-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Thanks for these great pics and report!

  2. MAK Says:

    Always my pleasure Ginny! 🙂

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