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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-26-12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I was elated this morning to start my watch with Orion whom I have nick named the singer for he is always singing about one thing or another. lol


Now he just needs to take voice lessons! I saw no adults around and LarryO wasn’t up on the bridge so I settled in by the Blue Cross Arena(BCA). Soon after Larry tweeted so I knew he was there and I texted him where I was located. He joined me and 10 minutes later B showed up under the northeast wing on the Times Square Building(TSB). DebbieH stopped before work around this time. After they left Orion started being daring by going outside the rail to Callidoras corner not once but twice!


Beauty brought in food and Orion took it and ate it himself. The boy is growing up before our very eyes! He looks like a falcon now with the exception of those bright white pantaloons. lol He’s flapping those wings vigorously and often and soon he will fly. The Beautyful one left and went to the base of Mercury and then up to the heel.

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I left to get breakfast and when I came out of Tim Hortons there was a pefa under the southeast wing on TSB and on Mercury.ย  As I made my way up Exchange Blvd. Beauty flew off Mercury and 10 minutes later Dot.Ca (DC) flew up to the southeast wing ring at the the highest point of the TSB.

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Beauty and DC hung out on opposite sides of the south corner of OCSR top ibeam watching Orion from afar.

img_7712-both-watching-the-kid Click on pics for full version

Aaron came by again looking to get a pic of a kill(his words) and we chattedย  a bit about cameras. After he left I watched Beauty flying well west beyond the TSB. She made her way back toward me and hovered just above Broad St. and started climbing higher. She ended up flying high to the south where I eventually lost sight of her. Boy it’s fun to watch them sky dance! Both adults flew in from the east with DC landing under the southeast wing and Beauty going to the deck with food for Orion. DebbieH came by for a few minutes but thought it was too hot so she went back to work. ๐Ÿ™‚

After awhile DC went to the nest box and started eating leftovers from Beautys earlier meal and finished it off with his sons help and left according to my ace reporter Donna. Time passed when I spotted DC come flying through from the east and landed on a grate between the southeast and northeast wings. Boy do they blend in when they get on those.


Beauty made her way out of the nest box and went up under the northeast wing and stared at DC on the grate. I wonder what she was thinking. Maybe “silly boy you can’t hide from me”!

I feel like today was a big learning experience for Orion and of course every day we observe falcons is a big learning experience for all of us.ย  I decided to end my watch with DC up under the northeast wing and Orion sleeping with Beauty near by. On a very humid and warm day I boarded the bus smiling for I had just spent 8 hours sharing space with the fastest animal on the planet(and cuz the bus was air conditioned) lol ๐Ÿ™‚

Check out my pics and video by clicking on the links below



2 Responses to “Fledge watch 7-26-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    These pics are so good! I love Orion! he’s so cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. MAK Says:

    Yeah he is a real cutie! ๐Ÿ™‚

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