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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-27-12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

As I approached the Times Square Building(TSB) after getting off the bus at 6:40am I could see an adult pefa with it’s back to me on the southeast corner of the nest box deck. As I made my way up Broad St. and turned around to look I could see Orion was being fed. Donna let me know it was Dot.Ca(DC). Thanks for your help D! I took a couple pics and then suddenly Dan appeared next to me in his car. Wow I haven’t watched falcons with him on the bridge during the early morning hours in a very long time. Needless to say I was elated!  I have been trying to stay close to the TSB in case Orion comes off but this morning I made an exception and went up on the Broad St. Bridge(BSB) to sit with my #1 mentor Dan.  He stayed for an hour and then I went back down to Falcon Watcher Central(FWC).

DC flew up under the southeast wing after he finished feeding junior.  He stayed up there for quite a while and during that time the Jehovahs Witnesses started filtering in from all directions to convene at the Blue Cross Arena(BCA). They are in town this weekend and next. DebbieH stopped just long enough to say hi and have a chuckle with  me as she was running late for work after having a hard time leaving her computer and the live streaming video of Orion. I told her she might need an intervention as many of us do!


DC flew south in a hurry and landed on the south corner of OCSR top ibeam a few minutes later.


After preening and watching Orion for about 40 minutes DC  left. 15 minutes passed and then I spotted Beauty for the first time on my watch. She was on the west corner top ibeam of OCSR one of her favorite spots as DC prefers the south corner.


For the next hour she remained there as Brian joined me and one of the Jehovahs Witnesses, Bob stopped and asked about the falcons and gave us his opinion on the state of the world. Some interesting conversation indeed!  Beauty left and nearly an hour later I spotted DC on the Wilder building green strip.


Beauty reappeared on OCSR on the 3rd ibeam west corner briefly before heading over to the base of Mercury to preen and pluck her molting feathers. I was told that when birds molt they get moody and their behavior changes. Well I’d have to agree because she certainly wasn’t herself today staying away most of the day and not going to the nest box in the 9 hours that I was on watch. That’s ok cuz dad stepped up and kept an eye on our little singer who had a lot to say to DC while he was on the Wilder building.


Brian left around this time as Beauty and DC both were fanning out their wings to cool themselves. Just around noon Aaron stopped by followed by Patsy. They stayed a few minutes then moved on out. Beauty flew east across the river very fast and quickly left my field of vision. DebbieH joined me on her lunch break at this juncture of my watch. DC flew in to perch under the southeast wing on the TSB. No sooner did Deb leave then Lynda showed up. We were up on the sidewalk near FWC  but it was too warm for Lynda so we went down the stairs to the hole and set up our chairs in the shade to eat lunch. Orion was flapping his wings and singing lots to dad above him as Willie joined the watch.

img_7869-dc img_7866-wings img_7868-o-flapping-away

DC left for a short time returning to land on the southeast column a level above the nest box only to leave quickly flying over us due east. Marcia came for her scheduled fledge watch and a few minutes later Willie was on his way. DC flew through the area a couple times kinda low before doing a vanishing act. Of course this would get Orion squawking and then he went to Callidoras corner-maybe to pout. lol DC returned and landed under the northeast wing and that would be where Lynda and I called it a watch. As we were packing up to head out CarolP arrived and after a little chit chat we left and she joined Marcia down in the hole.

I think Orion is very close to fledging which is always a scary thing for us humans but when he does rest assured that the Rochester Falcon Watchers will be there to help him out if need be. In the mean time enjoy him on cam and livestream and keep smiling!  🙂

Links for a photo album and videos are below. Just click on and away you go





2 Responses to “Fledge watch 7-27-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Great report MAK & love the pics and videos!!! 🙂
    Thank you!

  2. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Ginny! 🙂

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