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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 8-28-12

By Rochester Falcon watcher MAK

Having a vehicle at my disposal for todays watch I had high hopes of finding Pigott over at the Brighton site(BS) so I could get some pics and video to share. It wouldn’t happen for after checking BS twice I had absolutely no sightings of her or Dot.Ca(DC). I was however able to join Dan on the Broad Street Bridge(BSB) at daybreak like I used to do every morning. At about 6:35am Orion provided us with the first view of a Peregrine Falcon by flying in from the east. He mini stooped on a gull as he made his way across the mighty Genesee River and then flew to the Times Square building(TSB) landing on the southeast column above where he took his first flight.


Larry arrived and half hour later Orion took off from the TSB to meet Beauty who was flying in from the east. They flew down river to the north and vanished behind the Radisson and reappeared a minute later. Beauty had a prey item in her talons and Orion on her tail feathers singing for breakfast. Like yesterday morning they both landed on the base of Mercury where Orion tried to be patient waiting for her to dress down her package.


After Dan and Larry left I moved down to the hole where the sun made everything look silhouetted. Orion was having a word with mom obviously saying he was HUNGRY!


Orion flew off toward the river so I went up the stairs at Falcon Watcher Central to theΒ  BSB in time to see him scaring up shore birds in the river and then he returned to Mercury.Β  DebbieH stopped by on her way to work and right after she left so did Beauty leaving what was left of her meal for Orion. Just as his mom had done, he began pulling feathers before starting to finish it up devouring this tasty treat!

img_0292-beauty Beauty img_0309-o-with-a-mouthful Orion

When Orion was finished he took off to the east out of sight. I checked around the usual places and couldn’t find anyone and that’s when I went to BS for the first time without finding Pigott or DC. I had to go take care of some business but I returned some 3 hours later and still could find no pefas at BS. I then drove downtown and finally found Beauty on OCSR top ibeam on the northeast side in the shade. I stayed about half hour and then it was time to return the vehicle I was driving. Having ended my watch with Beauty in my sights was a good reason to leave smiling! πŸ™‚

Click the links below for a small photo album but lots of videos











5 Responses to “Morning watch 8-28-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Hi MAK….I loved all the videos….I left you comments on them on YT. Thank you so much for all of these and the great report.
    Take care my friend….I am thinking of you and sending out prayers.

  2. carla Says:

    Thanks MAK for sharing pictures.I love your reports.Greetings

  3. MAK Says:

    Thanks Ginny and greetings to you Carla! πŸ™‚

  4. Larry O'Heron Says:

    Great spending time on the bridge with you and Dan in the a.m.s.

  5. MAK Says:

    Likewise Larry! I love being surrounded by falcon watching men!!! πŸ™‚

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