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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch 9/13/12 (4-6 pm) – Beauty at the NB; + Kathy O’s Reports from BS Location with Pigott & Dot.ca

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Still no sightings of Orion reported by the Rochester Watchers.  With Orion gone (at least for now), Beauty has been spending a lot of time at the nest box.  Today was no exception.  She was there the whole two hours I was on Watch and didn’t leave until 7:45 pm.  Here’s a picture of Beauty from Pancam (Cam #1) just before she left the nest box.  A much better picture than I was able to get.  🙂

beauty-on-cam-4 9-13-12

I had to leave my Watch early (at 6:00 pm), but Kathy O continued to tweet her observations from the BS location.  Larry O had reported at 5:00 pm that he saw nothing there.  Kathy arrived there around 6:00 pm and she found one falcon on the east side of the south side vent.

Kathy O’s Tweets

6:10 pm, she found Pigott in cubby, whining.

6:11 pm, falcon on vent gone now…maybe only had one and it moved to cubby…Can’t see both spots from one place.

6:11 pm, two falcons…one in west side cubby…one on SW corner roof above.

6:50 pm, Pigott remains on SW corner of roof…DC on east side of south vent…Fairly quiet…every once and awhile, P will remind DC she is here.

7:00 pm, Both left during last tweet…quiet now…have circled several times…no falcons…going downtown.

7:10 pm, Kathy arrives downtown to find Beauty still at the nest box.

7:20 pm, Quiet downtown…no sign of DC.

7:21 pm, Beauty still on Cam #4…still no sign of DC.

7:45 pm, Kathy O left the downtown area while Beauty was still on Cam 4 at the nest box.  Beauty left for parts unknown at 7:45 pm. No one was there to report where she went.  It was dark by that time, so hopefully she went up to her roosting spot on the Xerox Bldg.

On my travels today, I saw that they were starting to cover the outside of the High Falls stack with scaffolding.  We found out recently that this last stack at the BeeBee Station near Kodak Office would be taken down.  It’s kind of sad to me because I have so many memories (good and bad) about that stack and the other two that used to stand nearby.  This is the last of the three stacks that Mariah and Kaver young would go down during their first flights.  Because of this, the RG&E folks cut out doors at the bottom of each stack that allowed the young Peregrines to climb out unharmed.  Half of the catwalk has been taken down.  A catwalk that all of the babies plus Mariah and Kaver would sit on to rest and to look over the gorge.  It was definitely a birds eye view for the birds.  With all three stacks gone, it will be a different looking place for sure.

High Falls Stack - Take Down 9/13/12High Falls Stack - Take Down 9/13/12

A special thanks to Donna for helping me out today, letting me know that Beauty was at the nest box.  I don’t have one of those fancy phones like most of my Watcher friends have, so I rely on the forum members that help out in this way.  🙂

Debbie H, your help was invaluable this morning.  Thanks for bringing in Beauty and Dot.ca during MAK’s watch, so we knew they were both around and safe.  lol 😉

It was another beautiful, summer day here in Rochester, NY.  A perfect day to keep our eyes to the sky!

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