rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watches June 21st – Larry O

2 separate watches: lunchtime and evening.
Lunchtime: Met Jim P. Highlight was a chase by Archer over the river. At first it seemed confusing because the little bird seemed to be attacking Archer. Could have been my angle of view. The second half was definite tho’. Archer was chasing the little black bird around the sky with loops, turns and dives. He did not get the plucky little guy tho’.
During the evening, Archer brought in a meal which Beauty took away. The young ones were on the platform. Archer was on TS. Beauty was on Mercury. All was quiet in falcon land.
Larry O’Heron

One Response to “Falcon Watches June 21st – Larry O”

  1. chrissy Says:

    Maybe a swallow? Catbird? They’re ready to fledge here just south of Rochester. Very aggressively guarding their nests.

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