rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

6/23 Wednesday Morning Watch 8:15-10:30 AM

From Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK:

I watched from about 8:15 – 10:30 this morning. Archer was on OCSR napping on his favorite ledge, the kids were flapping and hopping around. No sighting of Beauty at first when she appeared first directly above the nestbox under a wing on the TS building. Stayed there awhile then flew to the ledge below the SE wing for a bit. She then flew down and landed on top of the nestbox for a minute while Jemison and Callidora stood there watching her. Archer left while this was happening and then Beauty went in the nestbox , I couldn’t see what she was doing. Girls seem to be liking the right side of the nest box today and the ledge around the area the ramp is on. When I left I couldn’t find either adult and the girls were in the shade on the rt. side of nest box.

One Response to “6/23 Wednesday Morning Watch 8:15-10:30 AM”

  1. Joyce Miller Says:

    Thanks MAK for your first watcher’s report. We can’t always see what is going on, but we can through your reports. Good job.

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