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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-8-12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was very overcast and dreary out this morning with on and off sprinkles but when I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge my day brightened as I spotted Beauty on her Mercury money bag! I shared space with her for the next 15 minutes and then she left flying  northwest.

img_3170-beauty img_3177-see-ya img_3178-gone

I left downtown to check the Brighton site and boy did I have action over there! When I arrived I was greeted by Miss Pigott whom has eluded me since I got back from my trip. She was on the northwest corner of the building straight out from where the scrape is located.She then flew to the front of the building landing on a west facing window ledge. It was at this time I decided to take a ride around the building to see if BST was around.


He wasn’t on the east side where I’ve found everyday this past week and as I rounded the front of the building I spotted Pigott stooping on the west side. When I got closer I realized she wasn’t going after prey-it was BST and they both flew around to the west side landing on window ledges across from the nook.  They were only a few feet apart and had lots to say to each other.

img_3196-bst img_3213-pigott

After a minute or so BST walked to the far corner of the ledge he was on out of sight.

img_3200-pigott-and-hider-bst Remember to click on the pics for a larger version

They stayed like this for a while and then things picked up. Pigott started the action flying from one spot to the other landing on various window ledges and roof top corners while BST preened.Then he got in the act as they played a game of cat and mouse flying to the front of the building and back keeping old MAK on the move as well! They perched up by the scrape for a bit and then returned to the back near the nook. It all seemed playful like they were getting to know each other.(my opinion)

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What a couple of head scratchers these 2 are eh!?  Pondering their next move no doubt as they flew off-ladies first so we know BST is a gentleman.


What great entertainment for this watcher on a dull day weather wise. Time flew by and before I knew it I had to get going but just as I was going to leave LarryO stopped to see the action. Pigott and BST seemed to be settled down for the time being and so Larry and I left to get on with our day. I had a blast watching Miss Pigott and BST this morning as there really wasn’t a dull moment and yes I went home smiling the whole way! 🙂

Click the links below for more photos and videos



4 Responses to “Morning watch 12-8-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    MAK !! I can’t stop laughing! It looks like Pigott is giving you the peace sign and BST is trying to figure out what he forgot! LOL !!!!
    But seriously the pics and videos are great…..
    This made me really smile and laugh! I needed this!!! 🙂

  2. MAK Says:

    Glad to be of service Ginny! Keep smiling! :0

  3. margaret Says:

    great report and pictures – as always! A new addition to the Roc scene! Ms. Pigott and BST! Love it.

  4. MAK Says:

    Thanks Margaret! A very cute addition I might add!!! 🙂

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