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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 12-30-12

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Well we got another 5 inches of snow last night so I had to dig out before leaving for my morning watch.Β  It was about 10 degrees colder than yesterday BUT the sun was shining brilliantly which was a welcome sight since it was last seen days ago. I couldn’t really park on the Broad St. Bridge as the parking lanes were buried in snow so I went to the Main St. Bridge turned on my hazard lights and started watching for Beauty. Still too dark to see if she was in the elevator shaft I did have a good seat in case she flew out and over to Mercury. She did not but as I was looking upriver some 25 minutes after arriving I spotted 2 separate groups of frenzied pigeons flying near Court St. One group broke off to the east and the other group made their way toward Cornhill with Beauty on their tail feathers. After I lost sight of them I checked around for the Beautyful one to no avail so I headed to Brighton. Upon driving around to the east side of the building I found the handsome BST in a corner on a south facing window ledge on the east extension.

img_4751-bst img_4776-hi-buddy img_4789-whats-up-there1 img_4777-bst

He had his back to me as usual but did look around every once in a while so I could see his cute face. He didn’t seem to be interested in leaving his spot where he was protected from the bitter cold northwest wind that was blowing quite vigorously. I shared space with him for over an hour expecting Pigott to fly in but she never showed. BST started to get sleepy as his eyes slowly got heavier until they closed for a nap.

img_4764-getting-sleepy img_4781-sleepy-head

I left him to it and made my way back downtown to see if I could find Beauty whom has been scarce during the day lately. Today would be no different as I spent the better part of an hour looking everywhere for her. I stopped to check the elevator shaft and she was not up there either. I went over to the Broad St. bridge to find a couple of mini bulldozers working on clearing snow from the sidewalk and parking lane on the north side of the bridge and dumping it into the river.

img_4792-time-to-clean-up img_4793-into-the-river-it-goes

I ended my watch at this pointΒ  as I have a few things to get done today. Keep smiling everyone- it makes people wonder what you’re up to! lol πŸ™‚

One link for a video of the dashing BST


5 Responses to “Morning watch 12-30-12”

  1. bc Says:

    glad BST is back

  2. Campgee Says:

    Gotta love it when you flash someone a big smile and they have no clue what your up to besides being nice.

  3. MAK Says:

    Exactly what I’m talking about Camp! πŸ™‚

  4. Ginny Says:

    BST is cute, cute, cute!!! I would love to give him a big hug (but I don’t think he would let me-LOL )
    Thanks for the great report MAK!

  5. MAK Says:

    He is Ginny and you’re welcome! πŸ™‚

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