Morning watch 1-8-13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
So today is the first of a weeks worth of warm temperatures in store for us here in Western New York. A major January thaw will occur with temps in the 40’s and 50’s and the snow that is on the ground now will most likely all disappear. I’m happy to see blue skies and sweet sunshine have come to visit and brighten our dreary days. Nearly 45 minutes into my watch I spotted a falcon flying near the Bausch&Lomb building and disappearing behind Xerox. I’m sure it was Beauty but as I drove over there to check I wasn’t able to find her. After a couple drives around our fair city I stopped on the Andrews St. Bridge and was able to find the Beautyful one on her top ibeam northeast side spot of the OCSR building.
I drove over by the Radisson Hotel where I could be closer to her. She had her back to me and what a Beautyful back it is! I stayed the better part of an hour before leaving to check on the Brighton site(BS). There I found BST on the southeast corner below where the roof top tree grows. I positioned myself so that the gloriously blue sky would be a backdrop for this photogenic little tiercel.
This dashing unbanded male we call BST has so many poses in his repertoire that I just can’t stop taking pics of him.
Make sure to click pics for full version
I stayed with him for well over an hour as he preened,stretched,scratched,cranked his head around in unbelievable positions and generally just looked cute for me. He went on alert a couple times as some crows flew in his space but never left his spot. I checked the perimeter of the building periodically to look for Miss Pigott but she would not come by to see me for the 2nd day in a row. She was seen last nite so it’s not that she is missing or anything she’s just galavanting somewhere else in the morning. BST moved off the corner a bit and the next thing I knew he was gone-either in on the roof where I couldn’t see him or he flew off when I wasn’t looking. I left for downtown around 10:30am to find Beauty one more time before ending my watch but I had no luck in doing so. I ended my watch at 11:04am and rode home in bright sunshine which made for a little smiling session on my face! 🙂
Links for a photo album and 3 videos are below-click them and enjoy
January 8th, 2013 at 9:53 PM
BST definitely has some moves! Looked like a beautiful clear day for you to be out enjoying your favorite pastime, MAK.
January 8th, 2013 at 9:56 PM
He is a cutie. There is something about the tiercels – they are just plain cute! The females are fierce, but the males are just adorable! I think part of it, they look so small compared to the females.
Well, except,! He is big!
THe blue sky really shows him off! ENjoy the weather the next few days.
January 8th, 2013 at 10:36 PM
That little guy is so cute MAK! Love all the poses and his expressions and Beauty is just well BEAUTIFUL!!!
January 9th, 2013 at 12:07 AM
Barb,Margaret and Ginny-I thank you for your comments. Looks like the majority thinks BST is a cutie! He sooo is and I hope Dot.Ca doesn’t hurt him when/if he comes back. 🙂