rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 1-25-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Another cold morning as it was 6 degrees fahrenheit(-14 celsius) when I left the house for my watch. Our daily highs are forecast to get out of the teens into the 20’s after today.

Arriving on the Broad St. Bridge at about 7:20am  I waited and watched as the Aqueduct pigeons came up out of their night time roost under the bridge about 10 minutes later. They flew up to perch on the Blue Cross Arena so I knew Beauty wasn’t in the area. I then took a drive to try to find our Beautyful girl but I should have just stayed put for when I returned to the bridge she was on the top ibeam at the south corner of OCSR.

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I parked over by the Radisson Hotel on Main St. for closer viewing and to make it easier for my camera to focus. It didn’t help much for the cold and dark overcast conditions made it tough to get good photos. I stayed there for an hour when Beauty flew out over the river and around the north side of OCSR out of my field of vision. I left to find where she went after she didn’t return. I found Beauty at 8:55am on the Crossroads building roof railing northwest corner.I pulled over on State St. just south of Church St. to observe her.

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I decided since it was after 9:00am now and the banks were open that I would go hand out rfalconcam business cards(created and provided by Joyce-TY) and introduce myself as one of the Rochester Falcon Watchers. First I went into the Canandaigua National Bank & Trust who had called the police on Wednesday when they saw me parked on Graves St. with my camera. Explaining about the falcons and how we look out for them-I asked that they spread the word to their co-workers and customers as well. I then walked across Main St. to the OCSR building where the M&T Bank is located followed by the KeyBank on Main St. Everyone got the same short spiel and a business card as I told them we were sponsored by the Genesee Valley Audubon Society as well. They were all very appreciative to know about us as I also said that we were actually a good deterrent of criminals with our cameras! They especially liked that statement!

When I was done I went to see if Beauty was still on Crossroads. She was not but moving on to the Andrews St. Bridge I could see her on the top ibeam northeast side of OCSR with her back to the world. I drove over to Bragdon St. took a quick pic of her and then left to check the Brighton site.


I waited about 30 minutes to see if either Pigott or BST would show up, when they didn’t I left for downtown again.  Beauty was still on OCSR seemingly settled in so I ended my watch. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

I have provided links below for 2 videos that were not always in focus-darn cold


3 Responses to “Morning watch 1-25-13”

  1. Donna M. in Atl. Bch Says:

    MAK, what a good will ambassador you are and quite the politician (the good kind)! Thanks, thanks, thanks to you and so glad you have that Angel Car!! Stay warm.

  2. Ginny Says:

    MAK….I can’t believe you are braving this cold weather but I thank you so much for these wonderful reports and videos!

  3. MAK Says:

    Donna I’m definitely no politician but I sure am glad to have AC!
    Ginny the birds have to brave the weather so MAK does too! Besides I’m in a car with heat. 🙂

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