rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

2 Days of Late Afternoon Falcon Watches – 1/29 & 1/30/13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

1/29/13 – Tuesday 4-5:30 pm.

It was pouring rain, but that didn’t stop me from finding all three current Rochester Falcons on my late afternoon watch.

Smart Ms Beauty was up inside the OCSR elevator shaft on the south ledge keeping out of the rain.

Beauty in the OCSR Elevator Shaft - 1/29/13*





At the BS location, I found a drenched Pefa in the Pefa tree.  Pretty sure it was Pigott.

Pigott in the Pefa Tree in the Rain - 1/29/13Pigott in the Pefa Tree in the Rain - 1/29/13Pigott in the Pefa Tree in the Rain - 1/29/13*





Pigott returned to the building and I was joined by Larry O for a short while.  I had to wait around until 5:30 pm to see BST return.  After chatting with Larry O, I took one more trip around the building and found both Pigott and BST at the nighttime roost on the north side of the east extension.

1/30/13 – Wednesday 4-5:00 pm.

What a difference a day makes.  When I walked out of work I couldn’t believe how warm it was.  OK, you know you’re in Rochester when it’s 60 degrees in January, the wind is blowing and you’re like, wow, this is wonderful.  🙂

My first stop was downtown where I found Beauty on the OCSR on the top IBeam on the NE side.  I stayed with her for a little while before heading over to the BS location.

Beauty on OCSR - 1/30/13*





Next stop, the BS location.  I found BST on the Tree Ledge on the east side of the building.

BST at BS - 1/30/13*





Moving on, I found Pigott on the front (north side) of the building.  She was moving around quite a bit, seemingly unsettled.  I soon found out why.  She spotted a Red-tailed Hawk cruising through, heading east.  Well, she wasn’t going to just give the hawk a free pass, no way.  She had to show him this was her territory.  Pigott took off and flew fast, quickly catching up with the clueless hawk.  It didn’t take long for her to let the hawk know who was boss.  With no vocalization at all, she flew above the hawk and dove on him a couple times before he got the idea and high-tailed it out of the area, continuing east.

Satisfied, Pigott returned to the building and landed on a window at the nighttime roost on the north side of the east extension.  At 5:00 pm, BST joined her there.

Pigott at BS - 1/30/13Pigott at BS - 1/30/13Pigott's Wing at BS - 1/30/13*





Well, it was time to head home after seeing all three current Rochester Falcons.


Sorry to say, the weather will be anything but pleasant tomorrow.  The winds of change will be sweeping through Rochester, starting at midnight, with wind gusts of 50+ mph and temps dropping into the 20’s.  So much for springtime in Rochester.  Brrrrr!  It’s a return to the reality of a Rochester winter.  Keep safe and warm everyone!

3 Responses to “2 Days of Late Afternoon Falcon Watches – 1/29 & 1/30/13”

  1. Alison Says:

    Keep warm, Carol P and MAK. We had a record 65 degrees on Tuesday, still in the 40s on Thursday, but last night the wind howled, drizzle turned to icy snow and we have a wopping 20 degrees now. That is what is coming your way!

    Did anyone investigate the dead raptor on the roof before it disappeared?

  2. MAK Says:

    No Alison, not that I know of-the DEC won’t allow anyone other than them to do that and there’s been no word from them or June Summers(GVAS) about the dead bird. 🙂

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Hey Alison! We sure did get your weather! I swore I heard someone yelling Auntie M, Auntie M! 🙂

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