Morning watch 3-15-13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
I was happy to see it was clear when I started my watch with sun for a little while and a temperature of 21 (F) -6 (C). It started to snow just before 8am.
It took me about 10 minutes to find Beauty on the Bausch & Lomb (B&L) building northeast corner and an added bonus was that she had food up there. Feathers were a flying as she prepared her meal.
I observed her from Broad St. between Xerox and Midtown and decided to go overย by Clinton Square and as I stepped out on the curb I spotted UT on the same roof ledge as Beauty. He was further down watching her but not begging like so many other males have done in the past that visited in the winter.
Click on my pics for the full version
I then decided to go up to the roof of the South Ave. parking garage which would give me the best vantage point. By the time I drove around to go the 8 floors to the top Beauty had flown to another spot on B&L where UT couldn’t see her. She was tucked in opposite Archers corner on the northwest corner and nibbling on something when I first arrived.
I believe she probably cached her food there so UT wouldn’t eat it. After a few minutes UT flew to the corner Beauty had been eating on and Beauty flew around the north side of B&L and landed up on the northeast corner of Xerox. UT was probably looking for scraps.
At 7:45am they both took off-Beauty went to the nest box and a few minutes later UT landed under the northeast wing of the Times Square building (TSB).
For those of you not familiar with our fair city I have included some labeled pics of the west side of the river in todays photo album taken from the roof of the South Ave. parking garage. I hope they help give a feel for how the buildings are situated.
Around 8am I decided to come down from the garage and park on the Broad St. Bridge(BSB). When I arrived Beauty was still in the nest box and UT had gone to the base of Mercury. He took off so I left as well to check the Brighton site. I found Pigott on a northeast corner and after circling the building I found that she was alone.
While I hung out with Pigott the snow that had been falling picked up and so did the wind. Miss Pigott never moved from her spot and was keeping an eye on her territory when I left her around 9:15am. Upon my return to downtown I found Beauty at the nest box and UT was on the base of Mercury again. From the BSB he had his back to me so I checked out the river to see if it was still raging like yesterday-it was indeed! Then I went to the hole(Aqueduct St.) to watch UT.
Just before the 10 o’clock hour UT flew off and went to the nest box.
I ended my watch with a smile for having seen all 3 of our Rochester Peregrine Falcons safe and sound! ๐
Click on the links below to view a photo album and a few videos from my watch
March 16th, 2013 at 11:42 AM
MAK, I have a request…my puter crashed and, of course, I lost my toolbar links. I am looking for the link to the bird message board. I cant remember the exact name of it, but it is where EVERYBODY posts comments on the falcons and eagles. If you could help me by emailing the link I would sure appreciate it! I have been watching this nest since Mariah and Kaver were the king and queen. ๐ I also watch the Harrisburg nest. Again, if you can help…..oxoxoxox
March 16th, 2013 at 1:42 PM
Antisal, are you referring to BCAW-Bird Cams Around the World? If so, here it is-