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1  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: PF at Buffalo Wild Wings???? on: 02-Feb-11, 05:50:02 PM
Good job everyone!!!! clap 2thumbsup
2  Member Activities / Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday mrs3popeye on: 17-Dec-09, 11:01:17 PM
Many thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes!!!! and thanks to the mod squad for the card. All of you have made my birthday even more delightful.

3  Member Activities / Events / Re: Montezuma Muck Race on: 15-Sep-09, 10:32:09 PM
 the mosquitoes also look forward to this event,



The mosquitoes seem to be extra bad everywhere this year!!  crying
4  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Hummingbird attacks Patti on: 29-Aug-09, 10:33:25 PM
 Patti, this is so have a hummer that close!!!   hummer

OK...maybe I wasn't actually attacked, just subjected to some severe intimidation.  I was pulling a pokeweed from under the hummingbird feeder.  I stood up, weed in hand, just as Ms. Hummingbird came to feed, and she objected to my presence.  She got about six inches from my face and buzzed back and forth with her tail fanned, as if to say "I'm big, I'm bad, and you're in my space!"  Once she got bored with that she landed on the feeder and drank her fill, while I attempted to stand completely still.  Perhaps she was only curious about this strange creature in a place where there is normally no creature...but knowing the general temperament of hummingbirds made me think it was an attempt to intimidate me.  It was an overpoweringly awesome experience to be that close and feel the wind from her wings hit my face. 
5  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: gorillas in love on: 29-Aug-09, 10:18:07 PM
This is too funny!  Can't wait to hear/see the outcome of this one!!

CNN had this article today:

Girl gorillas go ape for French pinup hunk

Story Highlights
London Zoo has been without a male gorilla since December
French gorilla Yeboah is being sent from La Boissiere Du Dore Zoo, NW France
Female gorillas at London have been shown posters of their new guest
By Nick Hunt
LONDON, England (CNN) -- You don't want to monkey around on a blind date, especially if your friends are also taking an interest in the same dark, handsome stranger.

So when three female gorillas at London Zoo heard that they would soon be visited by a brooding French hunk -- well, they went a bit bananas.

The latest development in Anglo-French relations sees Yeboah, a 20-stone 12-year-old, leave his current home at La Boissiere Du Dore Zoo, Pays de la Loire, northwest France and head for the British capital by the end of the year.

There he will be greeted by gorilla trio Zaire, Effie and Mjukuu, who were given posters of their prospective boyfriend for the first time Thursday.

One female gorilla shrieked in delight, while another wedged the poster in a tree to stare at it.

A third, clearly overcome by emotion, held the photo close to her chest -- then ate it.

Their reception was somewhat unsurprising. The zoo has been without a male gorilla since the demise of Bobby, a silverback, in December.

Tracey Lee, team leader at London Zoo, put in a good word for the hirsute lothario on the London Zoo Web site, saying Yeboah is "a very charming, fun loving and intelligent gorilla."

But whom will Yeboah choose to charm first?

Zaire, at 34, is the oldest female gorilla and has been at London Zoo since 1984. The zoo says she's "happiest when she's taking down and rebuilding her nest in various spots around the island. She loves to play with fabric and often drags it around with her all day. "

Then there's Effie, 16, who "enjoys seeing toddlers and often makes her way over to the glass when they come to see her," according to the zoo Web site.

Finally there's 10-year-old Mjukuu, or "Jookie." Dan Simmonds, a keeper at the zoo's Gorilla Kingdom, says she "has this 'butter wouldn't melt look' to her, and she gets away with murder."

"The other two females get along with her very well; she seems to have them all wrapped around her little finger."
Bridget Fallon contributed to this story.

6  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 26-Aug-09, 10:38:27 PM
Although I've posted these photos of my pets before, these are in a better size range, so that you don't end up with a huge, fuzzy photo, when you open each one!  The 3-toed box turtle is +35 year old Eric and the black cat is 17-year old Spot.  This time I've also included my not-pets, but balcony friends, two variegated pigeon squabs.  They are about a third of the size of a regular pigeon, but will soon be full-sized and flying away. Sad Already they can fly from the balcony floor to the railing and are quite excited about it!  How can I tell?  Their little chests are puffing away and they are vibrating all over! happy I hope you enjoy these photos more, now that they are each a more viewable size!

Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)

Hi Anne, I love your Spot kitty. I had an all black kitty named Mindy. I adopted her when she was 1 year old. She was 19 when she passed. And your box turtle, +35 yrs. old. WOW! Is that normal for box turtles?? The pigeons are so cute. They must be a joy to watch grow up.
7  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Big Dog Pool Party on: 26-Aug-09, 10:24:10 PM
wave  What a great idea........someone has a lot of 'trust', to have all those big dogs together!! Bullet is a beautiful dog!!

8  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 19-Aug-09, 10:45:33 PM
I've attached photos of my big boys:
Oscar (buff-colored)
Simon (slate-colored).

Simon loves to ride around on our shoulders, and Oscar loves to snooze in the window, so these are very representative photos.

Patti, Oscae and Simon are very handsome 'big boys'.

Doris in Arkport, NY
9  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Heartwarming - I am so proud of Casey! on: 19-Aug-09, 10:39:57 PM
 clap  And Proud you should be! Some pets are so amazing!    Way to go Casey! 2thumbsup

Doris in Arkport, NY
10  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 18-Aug-09, 09:24:06 AM
I named her Lucky because I thought she was a lucky kitty because I found her....yes there was only one......I fed her like this for about 3 weeks until another mommy cat delivered her 3 babies. Then She new mommy adopted Lucky...actually she adopted Lucky the night she gave birth. What a sweetie the new mom was too.  Lucky wasn't so Lucky after all.........she got sick when she was about 1 year old and I had to have her put down.....oh what a heartbreak.!! crying  It was months before I could look at her pictures......i still cry sometimes when I think about her (like now) ....She was cremated and now she is right here by my computer......her favorite place to sleep, except for my lap of course. She will forever have a very special place in my heart!!    Such a beautiful sweetheart! 

This is "Lucky", I found her under my dresser after her mother passed away mysteriously. She was just a few days old in this pic. I had to buy special formula at the vets'....I loved feeding her like this. She was sooo sweet!

11  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 17-Aug-09, 09:53:27 PM
This is "Lucky", I found her under my dresser after her mother passed away mysteriously. She was just a few days old in this pic. I had to buy special formula at the vets'....I loved feeding her like this. She was sooo sweet!
12  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 13-Aug-09, 09:54:20 PM
These are our cats, Jazz (gray) and Mittens (black). Jazz likes to scrunch into small hiding places and she loves to eat. She is especially fond of lettuce, of all things. Mittens likes to roll over for tummy rubs and is excellent at jumping to the highest places in our home. She loves to walk outside on her leash and stalk bugs. They both like to "help" us with whatever we're doing, and are wonderful companions.

Dot in PA

Oh Dot, Jazz and Mittens are sooo precious! Aren't they Shaky?!!!   laugh
13  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 12-Aug-09, 10:32:32 PM
Sorry.....I'm still learning the top pic is Patches,,,,,,,,,,,middle pic is Angel......and the bottom one is Shadow.  I will get the hang of this soon.... Embarrassed
All 3 are sweet but that Angel picture you just wonder what she's thinking?  someone's distrubing her  nap Im thinkin 

Angel is definately the wrong name for her. She is anything but an Angel. She always has to be the boss.  lol

And as for all the "Shaky" cats......... rofl   it had to happen sooner or later.

Shaky, you should feel honored!!!   2funny
14  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 12-Aug-09, 10:29:13 PM
Sorry.....I'm still learning the top pic is Patches,,,,,,,,,,,middle pic is Angel......and the bottom one is Shadow.  I will get the hang of this soon.... Embarrassed
All 3 are sweet but that Angel picture you just wonder what she's thinking?  someone's distrubing her  nap Im thinkin 

Angel is definately the wrong name for her. She is anything but an Angel. She always has to be the boss.  lol

And as for all the "Shaky" cats......... rofl   it had to happen sooner or later.
15  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 12-Aug-09, 05:28:33 PM
 kittykiss  What a great idea!!! I think I will too!! Thx, Dawn!!!!

Doris in Arkport, NY

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