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1  Other Nature Related Information / Falcon Web Cams / Re: Cathedral of Learning Falconcam 2016 on: 28-Mar-16, 11:36:51 PM
I was in Pittsburgh for a very short while today. Around 2:00p I spotted a pefa near the top of the Cathedral of Learning, on the southeast side of the building. It did not take flight and its back was to me so I was unable to see bands. Pretty bird with bright white side feathers and a very dark helmet. Pigeons flying across lower buildings a block away.
2  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Adult Pefa on 390 lightpost 5:05pm on: 09-Jan-14, 11:16:48 PM
As a lurker, I don't post but wanted to report what I saw today.  At 5:05pm I was getting onto 390N from E. Henrietta Rd (south of BS) and an adult Pefa flew right over my car and landed on the light post on the side of 390N just north of E. Henrietta Rd.  Very impressive. Not sure if banded but I was excited to see it land right in front of me! Beautiful bird...made my day!
3  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: Pefa at Main and N. Goodman smokestack? on: 13-Dec-10, 08:25:10 PM
Thanks for the welcome!  I'm a lurker but posted two years ago about a pair of peregrines we saw at our hotel in San Diego.  I went past the smokestack today (in Rochester).  It is a shorter smokestack north of the Village Gate smokestack.  It sits right near E. Main St next to the Anitiek Treasures building.  It's 1.5 miles nearly due east from the Times Square Bldg, as the peregrine flies! No birds of any sort flying today, but snow and cold probably kept them down.  I'll keep watching and report anything that seems curious.   ~Marian
4  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Pefa at Main and N. Goodman smokestack? on: 12-Dec-10, 12:45:58 AM
This is my first post but I wanted to report what I saw yesterday.
At 1:00 pm yesterday I was stopped at a light at N. Goodman and Main St in Rochester.  I looked up in time to see what looked like a pefa landing - size and shape seemed to match. Pigeons flew everywhere.  Pefa (?) landed on the smokestack at the southeast corner in a warehouse complex, with the building next to it named Antique (sp?) Treasures.  I work nearby there so I'll keep my eyes open for it. I'll have to keep my binoculars handy for the next time.
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