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1  Anything Else / Totally OT / Re: Any Orchid experts? Help! on: 14-May-11, 12:20:49 AM
Thanks all... this is the Orchid I have, it's a Colm. Wildcat Green Valley -
2  Anything Else / Totally OT / Any Orchid experts? Help! on: 13-May-11, 04:33:55 PM
I've had a few store-bought Orchids from Wegmans and Home Depot and NO MATTER WHAT I do they die within weeks.  This includes monitoring their leaf color, bark moisture, making sure they were getting not too much but not too little light, watering with distilled water, etc.  So I get this gorgeous, tall, really nice Orchid plant from the Orchid show back at the beginning of April.  It is really starting to look sad.  I have been watering it once every 5 days and I keep it on my desk which is next to my window which has window blinds on it, basically it's good light to read a book by which is supposed to be perfect.  Temps go from ~62 at night to about 72 during the day.

What else can I do!?!?  Is there anyone that'd be interested in rescuing this plant?  Because it's going to die and I really have no other choice but to just let it because I don't know what else to do.
3  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: PF at Buffalo Wild Wings???? on: 02-Feb-11, 08:00:01 PM
Glad everything was ok Smiley
4  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: PF at Buffalo Wild Wings???? on: 02-Feb-11, 03:23:28 PM
5  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / PF at Buffalo Wild Wings???? on: 02-Feb-11, 02:58:14 PM
Saw a friend on facebook post this picture, he said it was sitting right outside the door, maybe it's injured?

6  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: No large cameras at Mendon Ponds Park? on: 26-Jan-10, 09:10:12 AM
Yea I had my 300 with me which looks like this - but did she honestly think I was going to walk into that little nature center with that lens and try to get some shots?  I think the minimal focus distance is 10'! 
7  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: The Story Behind the New Main Cam Install on: 26-Jan-10, 09:04:32 AM
Wow, awesome new cam, thanks so much!
8  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / No large cameras at Mendon Ponds Park? on: 26-Jan-10, 08:52:52 AM
I went to Mendon Ponds a few weeks ago and while I was at the nature center there was a girl outside showing some kind of Owl to people walking in.  I brought my "big camera" with me because we were going to walk down the trail to see the chickadee's eating out of peoples hands, but after taking two photos of her and the owl she yelled over to me to ask if I was with the media, I said no, and she said that there are no large lenses allowed in or near the nature center. 

Because it's a "non-profit" park, do they think I'm going to sell photos or something which will violate the "non-profit" title???  That kind of ticked me off and put a bad taste in my mouth about going back there, even if I'm not going to the "holy" nature center.
9  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 18-Nov-09, 08:43:53 AM
Donna - Montezuma is definitely a place I want to check out some time.  Whenever I drive to/from Syracuse I always look but never see a single bird!  I'm guessing they're out away from the thruway where it's noisy. But yea, I'll be going there for sure.
10  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 17-Nov-09, 08:41:47 PM
My wrists and shoulders hurt looking at that beast and my Chiropractor just fell over!  Wil - How much does that Beast weigh? 


The lens and hood itself weighs 15 pounds, with the camera about 17, add another 2 or 3 for a monopod which is what I'll have to have on it at all times when I'm shooting with it.  If I decide to get a gimbal tripod head for my tripod to mount this, that'll add about another 8 pounds or so to the rig.  Yeesh. 

But, with a 1.4x extender I get a 560mm f/4 lens, add another one and I have a 800mm f/5.6!  I bought it mainly to take race car photos (I'm going to daytona in january for the 24 hour race), but also for birding.  I just need to buy that gimbal, I'm saving up for a Wimberley head now, it's an awesome piece and makes handling one of these large lenses a breeze.

 indy car  Daytona  happy  How about sticking around for the 500 on Valentine's Day?   nascar

haha, nah I'll just be there for the rolex race weekend. I took pics at it this year, had a blast!! Can't wait to go back.
11  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 17-Nov-09, 03:35:41 PM
My wrists and shoulders hurt looking at that beast and my Chiropractor just fell over!  Wil - How much does that Beast weigh? 


The lens and hood itself weighs 15 pounds, with the camera about 17, add another 2 or 3 for a monopod which is what I'll have to have on it at all times when I'm shooting with it.  If I decide to get a gimbal tripod head for my tripod to mount this, that'll add about another 8 pounds or so to the rig.  Yeesh. 

But, with a 1.4x extender I get a 560mm f/4 lens, add another one and I have a 800mm f/5.6!  I bought it mainly to take race car photos (I'm going to daytona in january for the 24 hour race), but also for birding.  I just need to buy that gimbal, I'm saving up for a Wimberley head now, it's an awesome piece and makes handling one of these large lenses a breeze.
12  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 17-Nov-09, 03:30:58 PM
Wow! I bet it takes great pictures of washers and dryers!

The level of detail on the powder coated paint on them is incredible!!
13  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Re: Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 17-Nov-09, 12:07:44 PM
Thanks guys.  I forgot about Braddock Bay, I'll have to go out there once I get the lens back from service.  And yea this is the monster new lens I've acquired -
14  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Where to go birding in Rochester? on: 16-Nov-09, 11:08:55 AM
I used to work at Kodak downtown, got to know a few of the falcon cam'ers out on the bridge at the falls, brought my camera a few times to take some shots.  But now I've got a longer lens for my camera and since the falcons aren't downtown much anymore, what other spots can I get some shots, particularly water fowl?  I tried Irondequoit Bay off of Empire Blvd, but all I saw were gulls and ducks.  Any creeks or other areas I should check out?
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