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Author Topic: Photo of Crossroads Building Jan 27  (Read 21939 times)
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« Reply #30 on: 05-Feb-13, 10:06:14 PM »

I heard back from June and she said it was a typo. So the DEC can't force PRIVATE property owners to allow them on the property. Hopefully a lesson was learned here and next time patience will win out. And as Shaky stated - case closed.  falcon2

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Kris G.
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« Reply #31 on: 05-Feb-13, 11:04:36 PM »

I wonder-if they can (if it wasn't a typo), why didn't the official show their authority?  Who would have harrassed the building manager so much after we were all told by June in a previous post to be patient?  Why say the DEC official can go see if the bird is up there and then when the official shows up, change their mind in letting them have access to the roof? Lots of questions. Just a shame that there will never be an answer to this.

Like I said, the bird disappeared! Someone knows something!

Either that or it's still up there but we'll never know. 

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« Reply #32 on: 05-Feb-13, 11:33:41 PM »

I wonder-if they can (if it wasn't a typo), why didn't the official show their authority?  Who would have harrassed the building manager so much after we were all told by June in a previous post to be patient?  Why say the DEC official can go see if the bird is up there and then when the official shows up, change their mind in letting them have access to the roof? Lots of questions. Just a shame that there will never be an answer to this.

Like I said, the bird disappeared! Someone knows something!

Either that or it's still up there but we'll never know. 

Unless someone wants to do a fly over!

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« Reply #33 on: 05-Feb-13, 11:45:29 PM »

I wonder-if they can (if it wasn't a typo), why didn't the official show their authority?  Who would have harrassed the building manager so much after we were all told by June in a previous post to be patient?  Why say the DEC official can go see if the bird is up there and then when the official shows up, change their mind in letting them have access to the roof? Lots of questions. Just a shame that there will never be an answer to this.

Like I said, the bird disappeared! Someone knows something!

Either that or it's still up there but we'll never know. 

Unless someone wants to do a fly over!


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« Reply #34 on: 06-Feb-13, 08:02:51 AM »

I came over here to the forum to post this as I just read June's post on FB. I admit I love FB & read most of my Rfalconcam news there so I love the Rfalconcam FB page but I think that maybe it should be considered that something like the sensitive issue of this bird should be posted there w/ caution. FB is a whole different world and many more people read it. We have no idea who it was that bothered the building manager before DEC was able to arrive but since it was posted on the FB page anyone could have . I doubt that any of us familiar to the falcons or w/ the DEC would have but maybe I am wrong. Like I said I may be wrong but in my experience w/ FB & my own FB group things sometimes get misunderstood by the wrong people & one has to be cautious about what is posted.

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« Reply #35 on: 06-Feb-13, 08:31:59 AM »

Good point, Braveheart.

Hey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please! - Joni Mitchell
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« Reply #36 on: 06-Feb-13, 09:17:24 AM »

What's done is done and cannot be undone. Who ever called was just being a concerned citizen and was not aware of the consequences. I posted that to fb well because people need to be aware of what happens when we stray from the rules. Next time, which I hope never happens, we will know better and to let the authorities handle it.

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« Reply #37 on: 06-Feb-13, 11:26:48 AM »

What's done is done and cannot be undone. Who ever called was just being a concerned citizen and was not aware of the consequences. I posted that to fb well because people need to be aware of what happens when we stray from the rules. Next time, which I hope never happens, we will know better and to let the authorities handle it.

i agree, Donna.  Sad that this happened but I don't think much else can be done.  The Crossroads folks were very helpful when Calidora was on an adjacent building and workmen were nearby.  They were aware of the falcons and tried to assure both  Cali and the workmen's safety.  Can't imagine what might have caused this if there were inquiries but sad that this has happened. 

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« Reply #38 on: 06-Feb-13, 11:40:58 AM »

Ok, I understand where everyone is coming from. I appreciate that people want to get involved but because this is a sensitive issue we must allow the DEC to handle things.
Linda, Junes' email was not posted on the fb page until yesterday-way after the fact so it did not initiate anyone to call before the DEC was involved. Also, we have to report the good and the bad no matter how we feel and fb does get the word out to a vast number of people. It was posted on fb to get the word out so this doesn't happen again.

nycbird, I would love to go talk to the manager but it's not my place. Both June and the DEC warned us local watchers last year about getting too involved with the rescue of Archer. So as June said we must try to be patient in the future or we may never be privy to information that the DEC has about anything that relates to us here in Rochester again.

Anyone who would like to, can private message me and ask any further questions about this matter.
I hope my thoughts on this subject have been taken in a positive way by all.
We must move forward.


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« Reply #39 on: 06-Feb-13, 01:12:44 PM »

I think Linda meant that the actual news of finding the deceased bird should not have been posted on Facebook, not June's message of yesterday.  Perhaps it caused a person who doesn't follow this board and doesn't know the procedure in these types of situations to call Crossroads management. 

Hey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please! - Joni Mitchell
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« Reply #40 on: 06-Feb-13, 06:19:26 PM »

I think Linda meant that the actual news of finding the deceased bird should not have been posted on Facebook, not June's message of yesterday.  Perhaps it caused a person who doesn't follow this board and doesn't know the procedure in these types of situations to call Crossroads management. 
that is the way I took it.

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« Reply #41 on: 07-Feb-13, 03:36:52 PM »

TY Patsy that is what I meant. I am very sorry if I caused any trouble.

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« Reply #42 on: 07-Feb-13, 05:27:17 PM »

TY Patsy that is what I meant. I am very sorry if I caused any trouble.

Linda you haven't caused any trouble at all. I don't always comprehend what I read correctly. It's all good!!  Wink

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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