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Author Topic: Bird tip of the day  (Read 2277 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« on: 03-Dec-10, 06:47:05 AM »

(NTK) GARDEN BIRD TIP OF THE DAY - Fatballs are a great food source for small insectivores such as Goldcrest & Wren. If buying fatballs from a shop, remember to take the plastic mesh off them as birds can get their toes tangled, causing infection. Why not try making your own & popping them, along with some apple slices into a fatball feeder?

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #1 on: 03-Dec-10, 07:14:36 AM »

(NTK) GARDEN BIRD TIP OF THE DAY - Fatballs are a great food source for small insectivores such as Goldcrest & Wren. If buying fatballs from a shop, remember to take the plastic mesh off them as birds can get their toes tangled, causing infection. Why not try making your own & popping them, along with some apple slices into a fatball feeder?

I make my own fat cakes and the birds seem to love them. I save the containers in which a store-bought suet feed comes in - these are rectangular in shape and fit into those hanging suet baskets. I melt lard along with lots of wildbird seed, raisins, apple chunks, leftover mashed potatoes - anything pretty much that is not salty! Melt the gunge. (It's hot, so mind if you are doing this with kids!) Let it cool a tad. Then pour into the containers to harden. It pops right out then.

If you want to do a few at a time, line them up on a cookie sheet so you don't get glop all over the countertop.

Hope you understand what I have been trying to describe!!!
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #2 on: 03-Dec-10, 07:25:23 AM »

(NTK) GARDEN BIRD TIP OF THE DAY - Fatballs are a great food source for small insectivores such as Goldcrest & Wren. If buying fatballs from a shop, remember to take the plastic mesh off them as birds can get their toes tangled, causing infection. Why not try making your own & popping them, along with some apple slices into a fatball feeder?

I make my own fat cakes and the birds seem to love them. I save the containers in which a store-bought suet feed comes in - these are rectangular in shape and fit into those hanging suet baskets. I melt lard along with lots of wildbird seed, raisins, apple chunks, leftover mashed potatoes - anything pretty much that is not salty! Melt the gunge. (It's hot, so mind if you are doing this with kids!) Let it cool a tad. Then pour into the containers to harden. It pops right out then.

If you want to do a few at a time, line them up on a cookie sheet so you don't get glop all over the countertop.

Hope you understand what I have been trying to describe!!!

Totally!  drool kidding...yes, good idea!

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« Reply #3 on: 03-Dec-10, 10:47:18 AM »

 thumbsup Good tips ladies!  The birds will love it all!  Grin

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