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Question: Gender-Neutral names (Pick one)  (Voting closed: 14-Jun-13, 10:00:17 AM)
Cosmo - 7 (9%)
Harmony - 5 (6.4%)
Kehaka - 5 (6.4%)
Mercury - 22 (28.2%)
Miracle - 0 (0%)
Ontario - 6 (7.7%)
Phoenix - 11 (14.1%)
Reise - 7 (9%)
Rochester - 9 (11.5%)
Superstes - 2 (2.6%)
Truce - 4 (5.1%)
Total Voters: 78

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Author Topic: Choose a name for a 2013 eyas (Gender Neutral)  (Read 5608 times)
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Bathrobe Brigadier
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« on: 11-Jun-13, 10:25:05 AM »


Cosmo stands for the first letter from each of the original 5 tribes in the Iroquois Confederacy (Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca, Mohawk, Onondaga) . New York State was the "heart of the Iroquois homeland."

Harmony is from the Greek harmonia/harmozo meaning "joint, agreement, concord/to fit together to join". In Ancient Greece the term defined the combination of contrasted elements, the Middle Ages two pitches in combination and during the Renaissance expanded to denote three pitches sounding together.  Beauty and Dot.Ca as contrasting elements have come together and as PEFA  parents often "tandem feed" and chat while doing so, thus two pitches in combination. Their choice to "fit together and join" have produced a harmonious trio of eyases.

Kehaka is the Mohawk name from the Iroquoian language - "Keeper of the Eastern Door."

Mercury for the Mercury statue that makes one think of Rochester, New York.  The peregrines seem to think that it is the perfect spot to survey their kingdom. It would be a perfect name for one of the babies......a link to their hometown.

Miracle because these precious falcons are a miracle of love and hope.

Ontario for Lake Ontario, which got its name from a First Nations language, most likely from onitariio, meaning "beautiful lake", or kanadario, translated as "sparkling" or "beautiful", or possibly from Wyandot (Huron) ontare (lake).

Phoenix is a bird rising from the ashes of destruction.  Meaning rebirth - regeneration - the story of the Rochester Falcons rising above adversity and the hope that Phoenix represents the beginning of a new Peregrine falcon legacy for Rochester.

Reise is German for Journey. It's where Peregrine falcons go after they leave home, on their journey to parts unknown.

Rochester to honor the city of Rochester, those who work behind the scenes at, the watchers, and GVAS.  All have done so much to inform and promote awareness of Peregrine falcons.

Superstes is the Latin word for fearless.

Truce is a noun, meaning an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time. After much conflict at the beginning of the season between Beauty and Dot.Ca, the outcome was a bond, which resulted in a magnificent Truce.
Bathrobe Brigadier
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« Reply #1 on: 11-Jun-13, 10:28:06 AM »

Three polls have been posted (male name, female name, gender-neutral name). The voting period expires Thursday.

One of this year's eyases will be given either an appropriate gender-specific name or a gender-neutral name, whichever receives the most votes. In case of a tie, the number of times each of the 2 names was submitted will be used as a tie breaker. If that is a tie too, a coin will be flipped.
Bathrobe Brigadier
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« Reply #2 on: 11-Jun-13, 11:50:31 AM »

A voting tip: if you really like a particular gender-neutral name, don't vote for male and female names too. You'll be canceling out your vote. The eyas will get a gender-neutral name or a gender-specific name, whichever gets the most votes.
Bathrobe Brigadier
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« Reply #3 on: 11-Jun-13, 02:33:37 PM »

Please, no election campaigning. Don't tell anyone which names to vote for, and don't tell anyone which names were submitted by you. Let people decide on their own based solely on the names and descriptions.
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