Hi All!

Thank you for your kind words.
We are okay. I live about 50 miles south, in the east bay area. We did feel it. It was more of a rolling quake and not as powerful at our location. I was up late last night and hubby was sleeping in his chair, so we went to bed very late. Hubby was watching tv, and I had been listening to radio (I really enjoy listening to local law enforcement scanners), and had just fallen asleep when he asked me if I was shaking my leg. Took about 2 seconds to realize we were having an earthquake. Our 3 dogs slept through it. So, fortunately, for us no damage.
I turned the radio back on to hear an officer radio into the dispatch center to be prepared for 911 calls, but of course the dispatchers felt it too. I checked the USGS website and at that time, they had not determined the magnitude. I kept checking Twitter feeds for our local news channels, but didn't see any information on damage, etc. so, we went to sleep around 4am (as a matter of fact MAK - I saw your first tweet from this morning at 3:36 our time).
When I woke up this morning, grabbed for my phone like normal to check MAK's updates and saw all the damage from the quake. Honestly, I was shocked to see the pictures. It really struck me that with all the gas line and water main breaks, fighting the fires are hard. They did have a few critical injuries, and upgraded a few others based on the need for immediate orthopedic surgery. There was a child who was injured and flown to UC Davis Medical center (great hospital - my nephew receives pediatric cardiac care there). From what I understand, injury numbers are rising due to clean-up activity (broken glass). Most of initial injuries were lacerations from stepping on broken glass.
My parents live about 75 miles northeast of epicenter and didn't feel anything. Mom said she went to sleep around 2am and slept through it.
Overall, I know there were people injured and I know there were some fires, but I think Napa and the surrounding communities fared pretty well for a 6.0 quake. Most of the damage I'm seeing is on older/historic buildings with brick facades, broken glass and some crumbling brick chimneys, outside of the damage caused due to gas line breaks/fire. I guess if it has been in our backyard and we had the damage Napa and some of the other communities are facing, I would probably be responding differently!
Thank you for all your well wishes.