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Topic: How come we have no chats anymore? (Read 19653 times)
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #15 on:
15-Mar-10, 09:37:59 PM »
I just popped in to see what was what in the chatroom and people had been in and out, without writing anything... Oh well... I'm feeling rather down about this whole rfalconcam format (as are a lot of people I keep track of via [private] email) -- it is all chopped up and you can't get a
feeling for how everyone is and what's going on, without running back and forth from section to section and losing track of where you've been... I think that a regular chat might be a good idea... I'll have to talk to some of them and see if they would agree... I know that timing is a problem, with the group composed of folk from around the world, but if there were more members involved... I don't know.
I just miss the old kfalconcam board a lot...
Best wishes to all!
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #16 on:
15-Mar-10, 10:00:42 PM »
I missed everybody in Chat too
Maybe if we keep talking about it, more of us will remember to check in and say Hi...
watching the grass turn green in WV
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #17 on:
15-Mar-10, 10:32:51 PM »
Quote from: anneintoronto on 15-Mar-10, 09:37:59 PM
I just popped in to see what was what in the chatroom and people had been in and out, without writing anything... Oh well... I'm feeling rather down about this whole rfalconcam format (as are a lot of people I keep track of via [private] email) -- it is all chopped up and you can't get a
feeling for how everyone is and what's going on, without running back and forth from section to section and losing track of where you've been... I think that a regular chat might be a good idea... I'll have to talk to some of them and see if they would agree... I know that timing is a problem, with the group composed of folk from around the world, but if there were more members involved... I don't know.
I just miss the old kfalconcam board a lot...
Best wishes to all!
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)
I tend to agree with you Anne, we lost a lot of good people switching over to this forum. KFC was more close and personal and much easier to keep track of. I check over there from time to time and there's nothing happening. It's a shame because at one time, we were all like family. I'll post anywhere because it's what I do...(obviously). I can adapt to change but I don't like it. I do like the 1 page only format, (where it's easier to catch up). I get by but I do miss all you guys from KFC. The people here are great too.
We haven't had many chats here because: 1. They weren't scheduled. 2. Someone has to take the initiative to start a chat. 3. Most aren't on at the same time to join, but that can be changed with at least a scheduled notice. As far as people popping into chat and not writing is maybe because they are just testing it out. I've done it myself. When we do have our next chat, please join us, you, Nora and others. I'll be happy to send you an email to let you know when.
Bathrobe Brigadier
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #18 on:
15-Mar-10, 10:37:46 PM »
You can always view this forum as unthreaded if you like that format.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #19 on:
15-Mar-10, 11:09:40 PM »
Quote from: Shaky on 15-Mar-10, 10:37:46 PM
You can always view this forum as unthreaded if you like that format.
How do you do that Shaky?
Kris G.
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #20 on:
15-Mar-10, 11:31:13 PM »
How do you do that Shaky?
In the drop-down box under Forum, you'll find "view as unthreaded".
Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #21 on:
16-Mar-10, 12:01:58 AM »
Okay -- this paragraph has probably been written before and if so, just skip it. I'm not trying to wreck havoc or anything...
I kept wondering if it was only me finding this forum rather impersonal, but the emails I've received from saddened, now non-posting KFC members, who have given up, saddens me. I love this group -- it's helped me through some really tough times. as no one else has, and the knowledge I've gained is unmeasurable. But it seems, as Donna said, that a lot of the "old" KFC members are lost to us... And it's even hard to sort out who is gone -- remember missing and then chasing down Robin, when she disappeared, or celebrating lives lost to us, both dedicated people and our loving pets... I
that the information is here somewhere and I'm not putting down the hours of hard work that many people have put into organizing this forum, but I would like to do something -- perhaps a chat time would warm things up or maybe it would be good to point people to this "Totally OT" section, which could then be treated like the old forum with running posts... If info should be in other categories, then they could copied over, by someone cleverer, if it was important... Shaky -- how do you "view as unthreaded" exactly and how would that pertain to all the different divisions? Maybe that would be an answer...
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)
Last Edit: 16-Mar-10, 06:39:43 AM by Shaky
Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #22 on:
16-Mar-10, 06:18:48 AM »
Anne - you raise good and valid questions. Human dynamics is the simple answer. Some people have walked away for a number of reasons over the last 1.5 years. Others have worked hard and made a real effort to make this group an informative, fun, and (Lord willing) a Falcon filled place. The format is different. I made a very conscious decision to use this board as a singular source.
Bathrobe Brigadier
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #23 on:
16-Mar-10, 06:37:42 AM »
Quote from: anneintoronto on 16-Mar-10, 12:01:58 AM
Shaky -- how do you "view as unthreaded" exactly and how would that pertain to all the different divisions? Maybe that would be an answer...
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)
Bookmark this link for an unthreaded view:
Another useful way to read the forum while keeping it threaded is to only look at unread posts:
Control-clicking on each "new" icon will open each thread in a new browser tab. Scan the contents of each tab and close it to make the contents of the next tab visible. When you're done reading each tab, you are all caught up.
Patti from Kentucky
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #24 on:
17-Mar-10, 12:39:36 AM »
Quote from: Shaky on 16-Mar-10, 06:37:42 AM
Another useful way to read the forum while keeping it threaded is to only look at unread posts:
Control-clicking on each "new" icon will open each thread in a new browser tab. Scan the contents of each tab and close it to make the contents of the next tab visible. When you're done reading each tab, you are all caught up.
Shaky, I've been roughly using this method to navigate the forum, but it doesn't work quite this way for me. Clicking the "new" tab opens the thread in the same browser tab, so I have to scan the contents then click "back" to get back to my list of unread posts, then "refresh" the list by clicking the link to see only unread posts.
I like your method better, though, so I think I'll make a practice of right-clicking the "New" button and explicitly opening the contents in a new tab.
Bathrobe Brigadier
Never Leaves 'Puter
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #25 on:
17-Mar-10, 09:12:37 AM »
Quote from: Patti from Kentucky on 17-Mar-10, 12:39:36 AM
Shaky, I've been roughly using this method to navigate the forum, but it doesn't work quite this way for me. Clicking the "new" tab opens the thread in the same browser tab, so I have to scan the contents then click "back" to get back to my list of unread posts, then "refresh" the list by clicking the link to see only unread posts.
I like your method better, though, so I think I'll make a practice of right-clicking the "New" button and explicitly opening the contents in a new tab.
Control-clicking (clicking while holding down the Control/Crtl key on your keyboard) on the "new" icon should open the link in a new tab. This works on both IE and Firefox in Windows. On a Mac, you need to hold down the Command/Splat/Apple key instead of the Control key.
For you uber-geeks, if you have a 3-button mouse or a mouse with a scroll wheel that you can also press like a button, you can program the middle button to send a control-click (or command-click on Macs) when you press it. I always middle-click to open links in new tabs.
Bird Crazy
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #26 on:
17-Mar-10, 08:34:17 PM »
I personally like this format. Because when I am in a hurry like in the morning before work. I can read only the important items. Like Falcon watches etc. When I have more time I can check on more stuff. The forum keeps track of what I have read and not read. If I want to read something again, I click mark as unread and next time I come it will be one of the new buttons. On KFC I had to wade through a lot of crap (sorry folks) to find the important stuff. I was months behind on my emails. I just saved them in a folder until I could get to them. I can see pictures here. I could never see them on emails. I wonder if some of you really have given this forum a chance. Its different yes. But anymore yahoo sucks (my email is there) they have gone overboard on commercials. There are none here.
To the folks who do not like the little emoticons. I know there is someplace you can shut them off I saw it but I like them so I didn't use it. It is in your profile somewhere.
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #27 on:
17-Mar-10, 09:49:09 PM »
Maybe I'm looking at this in a different way, but why does anyone feel that they have to be invited to chat? All you have to do is click the button. If anyone actually looks, they can see if someone is there. Or you can just enter it and wait for someone to join you. There is a sound effect that alerts you if someone joins you. Because it opens a new window or tab, you can multitask to your hearts content while waiting. That's something I've learned to do.
When yahoo still hosted group chats, some of us would just go there between 8 & 9 PM eastern time. Some would just pop in for a few minutes, others would stay for several hours. It was amazing the amount of information one could get, and the friends made.
So why don't you ALL give it a try. You can even"LURK" if you want to!
I'm known for that!
Glued to Keyboard
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #28 on:
18-Mar-10, 07:21:56 AM »
Quote from: schlaf374 on 17-Mar-10, 09:49:09 PM
Maybe I'm looking at this in a different way, but why does anyone feel that they have to be invited to chat? All you have to do is click the button.
I think the invite thing is a leftover habit from the last version of "chat" on yahoo...you had to be invited through yahoo messenger to get in...and now we're just getting used to a new way. Probably a good idea to just post a note that you're going to be in chat until we get into the swing of things...
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: How come we have no chats anymore?
Reply #29 on:
18-Mar-10, 02:30:15 PM »
Quote from: Dumpsterkitty on 18-Mar-10, 07:21:56 AM
Quote from: schlaf374 on 17-Mar-10, 09:49:09 PM
Maybe I'm looking at this in a different way, but why does anyone feel that they have to be invited to chat? All you have to do is click the button.
I think the invite thing is a leftover habit from the last version of "chat" on yahoo...you had to be invited through yahoo messenger to get in...and now we're just getting used to a new way. Probably a good idea to just post a note that you're going to be in chat until we get into the swing of things...
Someone has to go in first for others to see that someone's in chat. I think it's making that first move. Just do it, they will come.
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