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Topic: Alkyonis (2004) - Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News (Read 25791 times)
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #15 on:
03-Sep-10, 12:03:53 AM »
She is adorable!
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Carla P
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #16 on:
03-Sep-10, 12:54:38 AM »
Alkyonis is just beautiful. But then, how could she NOT be? With Mariah and Kaver for parents, I don't think "homely" is an option!!!
I second Carol P.'s WOO HOO with a ... YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!!!!!
Carla P.
Carla P.
aka: edp1078, partysocks6
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Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #17 on:
03-Sep-10, 04:06:27 AM »
The things I miss overnight! Such excitement for the Watchers - and those watching them.
Slainte, Alkyonis!
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #18 on:
03-Sep-10, 04:52:39 AM »
Had a chance to read the Imprints piece more thoroughly since my last post - and I am wondering: Will Alkyonis stay around the area, or is it more likely that she will be driven off by Archer & Beauty? How much overlap is there in falcon territories? And of course we may not know this, but has Alkyonis found a mate? As usual, wild things give us more questions than answers. One of the reasons they fascinate us, I think.
Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #19 on:
03-Sep-10, 05:20:27 AM »
Quote from: Lord G on 02-Sep-10, 10:35:04 PM
Imprints post
has been updated with a couple more pictures. Alkyonis looks amazing! Just like her mother, I think.
Great news to know that our rescues and her rehab at Wild Wings paid off.
I'm with you Jim. AND for the Jemison folks out there, this is proof positive that the kids will do well after rehab.
A thought ....
If you haven't already done do, send Wild Wings a donation.
Lord G
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #20 on:
03-Sep-10, 07:03:03 AM »
Quote from: Bobbie Ireland on 03-Sep-10, 04:52:39 AM
Had a chance to read the Imprints piece more thoroughly since my last post - and I am wondering: Will Alkyonis stay around the area, or is it more likely that she will be driven off by Archer & Beauty? How much overlap is there in falcon territories? And of course we may not know this, but has Alkyonis found a mate? As usual, wild things give us more questions than answers. One of the reasons they fascinate us, I think.
Bobbie, Alkyonis is in Michigan, so no worries about territory disputes with Archer and Beauty. The new falcon at the Eastman Business Park (EBP) is more than 5 miles north and west from downtown Rochester. If it decides to stay I don't think there will be any problems with Archer and Beauty. We don't know the gender of the EBP bird, but I'd guess it's female, based on a report we received from the Kodak folks who saw it stating that it was "dining on pigeon". Time will tell if it attracts a mate to that site. We've let the DEC know it's there, so if it stays around they'll hopefully work with the Health, Safety and Environment officials at Kodak to erect a nest box.
We've asked the folks at the Macomb County Audubon for more information about Alkyonis's situation; whether she has a mate, where she's staying, and so on. We'll post whatever they send us, so stay tuned.
"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise"
Carol P.
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #21 on:
03-Sep-10, 07:38:34 AM »
Quote from: Donna on 02-Sep-10, 11:23:35 PM
Carol, is this the pic you were talking about? Alkyonis rescue. Look at her face.
Yes Donna! That's the one I took of Alkyonis after her 2nd rescue at Animal Control. She just looked so bewildered. Thanks for posting it.
In the group picture you posted, Akyonis is the one with white tape on her USFW band on the far left.
Last Edit: 03-Sep-10, 07:46:33 AM by Carol P.
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Carol P.
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #22 on:
03-Sep-10, 07:41:14 AM »
Quote from: Donna on 02-Sep-10, 11:29:05 PM
Quote from: jeanne on 02-Sep-10, 11:27:42 PM
Sweet baby! Had she hurt her talon?
I noticed that too jeanne, unless she is just holding it up. ???
Her talon was fine. She was just holding it up like birds do when resting. She was in a very dark room.
Peregrines know no borders.....
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #23 on:
03-Sep-10, 07:41:35 AM »
So is there going to be a "road trip" to Michigan soon?
Found this online..DTE Power Plant, also known as the St Clair Power Plant.
The Saint Clair Power Plant is a major coal- and oil-fired power plant owned by Detroit Edison, a subsidiary of DTE Energy. It is located at 42°45′52″N 82°28′21″W / 42.76444°N 82.4725°W / 42.76444; -82.4725Coordinates: 42°45′52″N 82°28′21″W / 42.76444°N 82.4725°W / 42.76444; -82.4725 in St. Clair County, Michigan, on the west bank of St. Clair River. The plant is across M-29 from the newer Belle River Power Plant in East China, Michigan. The first four units of St. Clair were built in 1953–1954 [1] Since then, three more generating units have been added to the plant. St. Clair was the world's largest power plant after the 1969 addition of unit 7 [2]. The St. Clair Power Plant generates 1982 megawatts in total[3]. It is Detroit Edison's second largest power producer.[4] The power plant has a large impact on the local economy, employing about 400 workers.
Not sure if this is the right one but it's 7 hrs away and around 300 plus miles.
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #24 on:
03-Sep-10, 08:09:30 AM »
Quote from: Lord G on 03-Sep-10, 07:03:03 AM
Quote from: Bobbie Ireland on 03-Sep-10, 04:52:39 AM
Had a chance to read the Imprints piece more thoroughly since my last post - and I am wondering: Will Alkyonis stay around the area, or is it more likely that she will be driven off by Archer & Beauty? How much overlap is there in falcon territories? And of course we may not know this, but has Alkyonis found a mate? As usual, wild things give us more questions than answers. One of the reasons they fascinate us, I think.
Bobbie, Alkyonis is in Michigan, so no worries about territory disputes with Archer and Beauty. The new falcon at the Eastman Business Park (EBP) is more than 5 miles north and west from downtown Rochester. If it decides to stay I don't think there will be any problems with Archer and Beauty. We don't know the gender of the EBP bird, but I'd guess it's female, based on a report we received from the Kodak folks who saw it stating that it was "dining on pigeon". Time will tell if it attracts a mate to that site. We've let the DEC know it's there, so if it stays around they'll hopefully work with the Health, Safety and Environment officials at Kodak to erect a nest box.
We've asked the folks at the Macomb County Audubon for more information about Alkyonis's situation; whether she has a mate, where she's staying, and so on. We'll post whatever they send us, so stay tuned.
Thanks, Donna! You know, I read that piece a few times and I
did not get it right! Kept wondering what Michigan had to do with things...
So. In a nutshell: Alkyonis is in Michigan. And another falcon has been sighted in ROC. Right?!
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #25 on:
03-Sep-10, 08:30:32 AM »
Thanks, Donna! You know, I read that piece a few times and I still did not get it right! Kept wondering what Michigan had to do with things... paperbag
So. In a nutshell: Alkyonis is in Michigan. And another falcon has been sighted in ROC. Right?!
Actually Bobbie, I thought the same thing when I first read it. I too thought A was in Kodak Park. Yes, she is in Michigan and possibly a Midwest Falcon is in Kodak Park? Role reversal? Now that leaves, "where's Mariah?".
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #26 on:
03-Sep-10, 09:05:10 AM »
I was there the day Alkyonis was released the second time. I almost ran into the team as they crossed the street to take her up for the release. I was in the motorhome with my daughter and grandsons.
I love the good news stories. Gotta go post about our Jersey Girl.
“No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wingsâ€
William Blake
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #27 on:
03-Sep-10, 09:22:58 AM »
Actually Bobbie, I thought the same thing when I first read it. I too thought A was in Kodak Park. Yes, she is in Michigan and possibly a Midwest Falcon is in Kodak Park? Role reversal? Now that leaves, "where's Mariah?".
Thanks, Donna. This almost (?) makes it even more fascinating...
Bathrobe Brigadier
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #28 on:
03-Sep-10, 10:11:51 AM »
Quote from: Carol P. on 02-Sep-10, 10:51:21 PM
Alkyonis had a very rocky start on life. She wasn't the best of fliers. We worried about her. Her first trouble was when she went down one of the smoke stacks at the BeeBee Station. She was being looked over by her two brothers Hafoc and Grissom when she was rescued.
Grissom wasn't looking over her when she went down the stack. In fact, he had gone down a smokestack earlier that Friday. While he was being rescued, Alkyonis -- a bird that had pretty much stayed put on the Kodak tower -- flew off and went down the middle stack. I believe only one or two people witnessed it, and even then they weren't really sure if it had happened because they didn't have a good view and were more focused on the Grissom rescue like the rest us.
As it turns out, we were fortunate that the vet's office was closed that Friday evening. Brad Carney, who had been called in for the Grissom rescue because he had a key to the BeeBee gate, took Grissom home with him to spend the night until he could take him to the vet first thing Saturday morning. On his way to the Vet that morning, he stopped by High falls, and after hearing that Alkyonis was missing and seeing how the other falcons were acting, he and Jim P decided to enter the BeeBee property to look for her. They eventually found her and took her to the vet with Grissom.
There was a detailed watch report on Grissom's rescue posted that Friday evening on the old Birdcam discussion board. Unfortunately, the board is long gone. However, we still have Jim P's blog entry about the Alkyonis rescue.
And these slide shows in our archives include a few pictures of Alkyonis.
Carol P.
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Re: Search for Falcon ID at Kodak Leads To Good News
Reply #29 on:
03-Sep-10, 11:20:01 AM »
Thanks for the clarification on this Shaky. I'd forgotten that Grissom went down first.
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